The priestess in temple zuesia

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"Yugo hows the demon killing going" a boy said cleaning his whip

"Oh not well but I'm getting there pretty soon we can kill the demon zuizianchan i hear his hard to beat" yugo said making her crystal bow appear

"I bet we can both kill it together" the boy said

"Really Yuri u'll help me kill it" yugo said holding his hand

"Of course i wouldn't let u do it alone" Yuri said smiling

"It's settled then me and u will kill it and have a feast when we get home" she said extending her pinkie out to him

"Alright then yugo together" he said holding her pinkie with his

"Priestess yugo the demon of zuizianchan is here?!"

"What?!" She said as he got up and ran out

Yuri followed as the man followed as well and once they were outside the temple a demon roared out and started destroying everything

"And we just got back from war!" She said

"Lady yugo what should we do" a man said holding a shield

"All at once box it in Yuri and i will kill it once it's been weakened down now go!"

"Yes ma'am"

All the men charged at the demon as it roared loudly and attacked them all and yugo and Yuri nodded at each other

"U ready love" yugo said pulling the string to her bow

"U know it" he said as he ran ahead and got his whip and slashed the demon with it and blood started coming out of it

The demon swung a sword at Yuri but he jumped out the way and yugos bow started glowing brightly as she took a deep breath

"Ziegler umiak sias!" She yelled letting the bow go and it struck the demons arm in half and it screeched

The men yelled and started attacking the demon all over and Yuri jumped up and wrapped his whip around his neck and pulled it hard as he made a slash at its throat all around

The demon yelled and hit Yuri off and he did a backflip away from the demon and saw its injuries healing

"Damm nothing's working!" Yuri yelled

Yugo pulled the string to her bow and aimed at the demons head and took a deep breath and her bow started glowing and she let go of the bow then it suddenly changed its target heading towards yuri

"Yuri look out!"

Yuri quickly moved out the way as the arrow passed him and the demon hit him at a wall and he coughed blood up

The men were worned down and breathed heavily and yugo ran quickly to Yuri as the demon raised its sword

"Yuri!" She yelled and drew her bow and releases it as it hit the demons eye and it screetched

Yuri held his side and tried getting up but couldn't as the demon looked at yugo and roared loudly and went after her


"U won't hurt him!" She yelled as she drew her bow and released it at the demons head and it screeched and hit yugo away as she coughed blood and hit the ground hard

Her bow disappeared and she tried getting up as the demon stomped over to her and raised its sword at her she shut her eyes waiting for her end but nothing happened

When she opened her eyes she saw Yuri using his whip to stop the demon from slashing her and she tried getting up as the demons red eyes looked at yuri

"No u won't hurt her.." he said holding his wound

The demon turned around and yugo got up and ran in front of Yuri pushing him out the way and the demon stabbed her instead of yuri

Yuri's eyes widen and the demon roared as yugo fell to the ground and Yuri held her

"Yugo.. yugo.." he said holding her wound

She opened her eyes and looked at Yuri with soft eyes and smiled a bit

"I'm glad ur alive.."

"Yugo i should've been the one stabbed not u.."

"Yuri ur strong.. u can kill the demon..."

"No not without u" he said holding her hand

"Oh Yuri..."she said holding his hand

The demon roared as it attacked people and yugo went to yuri's ear and told him something as she pressed her lips to yuri's and pulled away

Tears fell from yuris eyes as he held yugo as she closes her eyes and he held her close

"Yuri ur all that i needed im glad i fell in love with u"

Yuri laid yugo down gently and grabbed his whip and walked towards the demon as it roared and continued killing the men

He clenched the whip handle and jumped up and memories flooded in his head of yugo

"Yugo i will bring u back no matter what!"

He struck the demon on the face and a big wound was cut and the demon roared and he landed on the ground and jumped back up and slashed the demon with his whip again

The demons roared and started swinging it's sword around and Yuri wrapped the whip around its neck and pulled hard and the demon roared

Yuri continued pulling at the whip and ripped the demons head clean off and it collapsed to the ground and the men cheered

Yuri then walked back to yugo as he carried her body and held her close to him as tears fell


"Once we kill the demon we will have a feast together"

"Alright then together"

"Why did u move me out the way...why..."

He held her tightly and tears fell from his cheeks and the men all kneeled down as snow stared to fall and land on the bloody grass


**this is a remake cause i don't know i just didn't like the first one it wasn't good so here's a remake hope y'all like it cause i think the first one was just not cutting it so here's this one hope it's better time next time bye**

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