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Yuri woke up and saw yugos sleeping face and smiled while holding her close to him and she smiled in her sleep nestling in his chest

He smiled moving her hair out her face and brushed her hair behind her ear softly as she giggled under his touch

"Ur awake Aren't u" he said holding hery

"Yea u tickled me" she said giggling

"Sorry about that" he said kissing her headh

"Yuri ur really a wonder for me" she said

"Well im urs love" yuri said smiling

"Oh yuri can we have breakfast together" yugo asked holding yuri

"Well yea why wouldn't i have breakfast for u" yuri said raising an eyebrow

"Well cause sometimes u were too busy to eat breakfast with me" she said looking away

Yuri smiled and looked at her lifting her chin up and kissing her lips softly holding her waist and she kissed back wrapping her arms around his neck

They kissed each other lovingly as yugo pulled yuri closer to her body as they kissed passionately giving light touches to each other

They finally pulled away from each other as they breathed softly holding onto each other softly looking each other in the eyes softly and lovingly

"Lets go get breakfast now love" she said smiling and holding his hand

"Alright then my beauty" he said sitting up from the bed

Yugos face heated up seeing yuri naked as she remembered everything that happened last night as her face burnt red and steam was rising from her head and yuri laughed a little kissing her head

"My love no need to be embarrassed" he said smiling

"O-oki" she said blushing a bit and using the covers to hide her blush

Yuri laughed a bit and got out the bed and walked to their dresser and took out some white kimonos for himself and yugo before returning to his love

"Here babe" yuri said giving her kimono

"Oh thx u" she blushed taking her kimono and putting it on

Yuri helped tie it together before putting his on and yugo helped him tie it together before both of them left the room

Yugo stretched walking by yuri as they both headed to the dining room of the temple as yuri opened the door and moved aside for yugo as she giggled and walked past him

"Oh yuri ur a gentleman" she giggled

"For u my love" he smiled walking behind her

He pulled open a seat for her as she sat down and he pushed the seat forward carefully as he took his seat and sat down next to her

Then chefs walked in and places down plates in front of them with a plateful of sunny side eggs, octopus shaped sausages, and sliced toast with a side of pancakes

"Oh look delicious" yugo beamed happily

"Im glad i always requested this everytime breakfast came because it was always ur favorite" yuri said smiling

"Oh yuri ur my love and only love that knows me well" she said smiling

They both ate breakfast together as yugo held a sausage to his mouth and he ate it happily and she giggled as he fed her a french toast and she took a bite eating it

The both of them then finished breakfast and they were out on the grass with targets in front of them

"Oh yuri since ur still connected with me u can still conjure the bow" she said making her bow appear

"Oh really alright then" he said concentrating and making his bow appear

"Alright follow my lead" she said pulling her string and light blue aura surrounded her arrow as ahe let go hitting the target

"Oh ur great at that love" he said smiling

"Thx u yuri its from me training with u and loving u that i wanted to be the one to protect u" she said smiling softly

"Same here my love" he said pulling his string

They both trained together hitting targets as they were having the time of their lives getting to work their powers together

After they finished training they laid in the grass looking up the sky as they relaxes calmly holding each others hands

"Hey yuri if we were to both die would we find each other again" yugo said looking at the sky

"Of course we are in love with each other i would forever be with u" he said gently squeezing her hand softly

Yugo smiled and got up over yuri and kissed him softly as the sun was high above them and flowers were blooming around them

**well I'm ending it here hope yall enjoyed until next time bye**

Protecting the one i love (remake) (yugoxyuri)Where stories live. Discover now