Ch. 1 Platform 9 3/4

6 0 0

Word Count: 1529

My boot lands down on the gravel as I step out of the cab. The taxi driver steps out of the car and grabs my things from my trunk.
I pull out my wallet, "How much?" I know better than to just take my cash out, but I stare at the money in my wallet. He just waves me off. "You sure? Not even a tip?" He shrugs and drives off. "Guess not." I take my trunk, Kima- my owl- and walk inside the station. I see no-maj's everywhere.
Do they know? Is this just a big cover-up for the rest of the muggle world? I shake my head and head towards a family of wizards, who are walking through a brick wall. Guess, the muggles don't see them after a certain point. Hmm, smart or dumb?
"How 'bout both?" A voice from behind me says. I don't turn because I know who it is.
"Malfoy. What do you want?" I say, pretending to stare off into space, so no one realizes we're talking.
"Oh, Cat. Do I need a reason to see you?" I can feel his breath on my neck, I keep a poker face.
"Yes, actually, you do." He steps closer, starting the put his hands on my waist. "Lucius." I say, not looking at him, looking straight forward. "Unless, wait. You know what, don't talk to me at all. I have nothing to say to you." I push my trunk and Kima towards the platform.

Stop reading my mind.
   Aww, kitty doesn't like it? You used to love when I read your mind. I tense at the name Kitty.
Never did, never will.
  That's too bad Cat. I don't think your in any position to be giving orders.
Oh, I'm always in that position.
I cut him off the mind link and walk through the brick wall. The wall becomes transparent as I walk through, and solid as I'm on the other side. There are parents hugging their kids, kids waving from inside the train and smoke from the train everywhere! Must be nice. I keep moving, towards what I think is staff, who are putting the trunks and animals away. I roll my trunk and Kima by everyone else's things and step onto the train, hands in coat pockets. There are girls and boy's, some giddy, some nervous, some just in the i-don't-care mood. I pass the somewhat full compartments until I find an empty one. I put my backpack on the top shelf and fall into the kinda comfy cushioned benches. Alone, unbothered, peaceful. Ish.
"Moony, there aren't any good seats left! Why didn't you leave us and go save some?" A black haired boy says.
"What are you even talking about?! You, not me, wanted to 'admire the scenery'." Another boy says from his side. Two other boys follow closely behind snickering to each other. I quietly laugh to myself about the outrageous boys. They look inside my compartment and walk past.
Another familiar boy passes soon after that. Lucius. That's not going to go well. I stand up, slide the door open quietly and watch the events unfold.
"Aww, you looking for a girlfriend Sirius." Malfoy spits.
"What the bloody hell are you talking about?" The boy I think to be named Sirius says.
"You think I didn't see you staring?" He says with determined eyes.
Sirius crosses his arms, the boys do the same. "Who are you talking about, Malfoy?!"
Malfoy pauses. They don't know who I am, how is he going to explain me to them. Wait, why do I even care? I step out of the compartment and walk quickly towards him.
"Aww, s-speechless?" Sirius says.
I sling my arm over Malfoy's shoulder, "Actually he was talking about me. Lucius is just very overprotective." The look on their faces completely change. I laugh. "You should see the look on your faces." I hold out my hand and Sirius shakes it.
Who is she? I've never seen her before.
I laugh again. Pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. Transfer student. The name's Serena, people call me Cat.
"Don't stop on my account. If your 'bullying Malfoy', there's a good chance that he deserves it." I start to walk away but turn my head to look back. "Oh, and if you need seats, compartment's always open." I wink at them and walk away.


I flip through the pages of the daily prophet.
The Dark Lord Strikes Again!
You-know-who breaks into the department of mysteries! "Nothing has been stolen! It was just a test run by the- well you know who! We will be prepared for the next time!" Minister of Magic, Barty Crouch Sr says.
The compartment door slides open and I immediately let my wand slide into my hand. "Back for more? Oh- Sirius, come in."
"You sure?" I nod. "Oh okay." Sirius walls in, followed by what I think to be his friends. He slides into the seat across from me with someone else, while the other two boys sit far away from me on my bench. "Why did you invite us in here?"
"You were complaining about not finding seats, so I just offered one." I say in a monotone voice, 'reading' the Daily Prophet.
"Oh. But why?" I shrug. The boy next to Sirius stares at me, while the two boys next to me look down. "S-so how do you know Lucius?"
I calmly look up meeting Sirius' eyes. "We have history. Ok, what are you names?" I arch my eyebrow.
"W-well, I'm Sirius. These is Remus," he points to the pretty pale boy with white hair and a scar running down his face. Werewolf. "That's James," golden-brown wavy hair and glasses. "Peter." The shortest one, brown hair.
"W-what's your name?" Peter asks.
"Serena, people call me Cat." I pause, wondering if I should tell them I know. "Lemme guess. You're all somewhat popular." They all look up at me with smirks. Yup. Called it.
"How do you figure it out?" Remus says.
I roll my eyes and then recline in my seat.
"Well, who are you?"
"I'm Serena, people call me Cat. That's all people ever know about me." I pause before going on. "I'm a transfer into 3rd year. I came from the states, but I was born here."
"Ok." Sirius nods along with everyone else. "What house do you think you'll be in?"
"I don't really know about the houses yet."
"Ok, cool! You get into a house based off of your personality. Hufflepuff, are nice, hardworking, kind. Ravenclaw's are smart and witty." Sirius says.
"Slytherin, Malfoy's in that one, are cunning and  pure bloods." Peter spits.
James cuts in, "We are Gryffindor, the best might I add. Brave, strong and determined!" Everyone laughs with him.
"What house do you think you'll be in?" Sirius asks.
"Probably Gryffindor Or Slytherin."
It gets silent for a while. "Oh look, the trolley!" Peter says, eyes wide about to jump out of his seat. Once the trolley passes him, Peter jumps right up and screams for her to stop. We all get up after him, laughing, to get candy. Peter is grabbing as much as he can carry, while a red-brown haired girl walks up from the other side, nose in a book. James tenses, and Sirius links their arms whispering something I don't really care to listen too. He likes her. I smile to myself.
"Cat?" A voice that I recognize, says.
I turn around. "Yeah? What- Lily?!" She runs up to me and we do our cute little handshake. I hug her and whisper in her ear, "Is that one of the boys?" She does a quick mhm and then we turn around to face the boys.
"Do you know everyone?" Sirius says, his head poking out from the compartment door.
I shrug, "No, just Lils." Lily and I laugh.
Don't even go there.
Right now.
That's not what your subconscious is thinking.
I hate you
Hate you too
I walk back into the compartment. Peter is eating chocolate frogs, James, Remus and Sirius are wrestling over everything else.
"I leave for one minute and you guys are going crazy." I say, leaning against the compartment door, smiling. At the sound of my voice, James looks around the room whistling, Remus puts his hands up in surrender and Sirius takes all the candy he can hold. I laugh as I close the compartment door and sit next to Peter. He laughs with me, continuing to eat his chocolate. "Peter, I honestly don't understand how you put up with them." Now its the boy's turn to laugh.

"You'd be surprised on how bad he really is," James says. I grab a licorice and bite off a piece, smiling.

We continue to talk about school and what we did over the summer. Making many jokes in between almost every sentence. It was fun. Normal. Something I wish I had before.
Hey! Please comment on things that are confusing or you like. ANYTHING! I want to know what you think!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2020 ⏰

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