Chapter : 9

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(A/N : whoa! I never knew I could create this much of drama in someone's life! 😅

Umm.. forgive my mistakes?? Well.. I know you will 😉😁

Enjoy reading)

Beam felt immense happiness.
Forth is here. He came back to him.

Forth cared about him.

"Do you have any medicines with you? Or should I go, buy them now?" Forth's question brought Beam back to Earth.

He didn't answer but pulled Forth into a bone crushing hug.

Even Forth was startled by it.

He immediately wiggled himself out of Beam's embrace, making Beam pout.

Beam sat down on the sofa disappointedly.

Forth again asked,
" Do you have any medicines with you, Beam? You need to have them after your meal"

"I don't wanna." Beam pouted for more, looking at Forth with squinted eyes.

Forth heaved a sigh. He knew something like this would happen.

"I'm leaving the food here. Eat them. Get well soon." Said Forth while heading towards the door.

He had no energy left from all those heavy thinking he did last night. He can't cope up with Beam and his stupid antics now. He had enough.

As he was about to open the door, Beam grabbed his hand and turned him towards himself.

He pinned Forth to the door, and hovered on his tall stature.

"I'm sorry. Really really sorry" he said in a soft small voice.

"Can't you forgive me once, Forth?"continued Beam.
"You've already forgiven Phana, for all he did to you. Can't you forgive me?"
"I know I've done a lot of mistakes. I didn't understand myself clearly back then."
Forth was numb . He listened to all that Beam was saying.

"I was a fool that I didn't understand what my heart wanted. I know I've hurt you."
Beam was pleading with all his heart's content.

"I love you, Forth." Forth froze with the confession. Then he released himself from Beam.

"You're done? I've got too many things to do. " Forth said and left from there immediately.

He was afraid that if he stayed there for a little while with Beam, he wouldn't be able to hide his feelings from Beam.

He drove his car and even before he knows, he's at Phana's office.

He had no idea why he came there.

Phana was surprised to see Forth in his office.

He happily came towards him and hugged him.

He didn't realize, that Forth wasn't hugging him back.

But he sensed the wrongness, when he tried to kiss him, Forth pushed him slightly, rejecting the kiss.

Forth had tears in his eyes.


"Phana's POV"

Forth didn't kiss me.

He was.. crying..?

"What's wrong, Baby?" I asked.

He didn't answer.

"Hey.. why are you crying?" I asked softly, making him look at me.

But he even started to cry more.

My heart clenched seeing those tears in his eyes.

I know, he has shedded way more tears for me before, but I never wanted to cause those eyes to have any tears. Not anymore.

I would do anything for that.

I hugged Forth and tried to calm him down. I rubbed his back to soothe the pain he was feeling.

After a lot of crying, when I felt, he has stopped, I asked him, "is it Beam?"

He got shocked with what I asked him

I tried to put on a smile on my face.
" So it is Beam! Huh! I lost my chances then"
It only made Forth to sob some more.

" Hey, why are you crying, stupid?"
He didn't answer but his hold onto my waist got tighter.

" It's okay to fall in love twice, Forth"

He looked into my eyes with too much sadness in those glistening orbs.

He still said nothing. He stared into my eyes as if trying to find his truth in them .
I planted a small kiss on his forehead. He closed his eyes to feel that kiss. A drop of tear fell down his cheeks from the corner of his left eye.

I kissed his eyes then.

It's time to let him go.

I could feel some changes in him since the time we started going out again.

But I was afraid that my hunch can be the truth.

And after seeing Beam yesterday, I saw this was coming.

I've lost Forth.

I've lost my love.

"How did you know?" Was the first thing Forth with a hoarse voice from all the crying.

" Huh!! What do you think of me, Forth?Do you consider me a stupid?" I said feigning extreme sadness, which made Forth chuckle a little.

He then again stared at my face, asking for the answer silently.

I put my forehead on his, closed my eyes and said, "I could see that in his eyes, Forth. I could see myself there".

We didn't say anything.

I tried to loosen the atmosphere up for a bit.

" He's cute. But he's cuter when he's angry. He only glared at me angrily yesterday." I said making Forth chuckle again.

It made me smile too.

Forth deserves all the happiness.

But I've given him too much pain.

If I had to make up for the pain I caused him, by letting him go, I would do that.

I love him. From all I have.

"Now go and freshen up a bit. You're looking hideous. Beam will be scared if he sees you like this"

Forth this time laughed. But then stopped and stared at me, " thank you,Pha" he uttered softly with a sad smile.

I smiled at him.

"Tell Beam, if he makes you sad even for a little bit, I'll snatch you away from him"

He laughed at it but embraced me.
I hugged him tight for one last time.
I inhaled his scent and kissed on his hair to my heart's content, to remember him this close for the rest of my life.

I know this won't be happening again.

And I'll miss him.


A/N : Phana, my baby 😭😭😭
Don't cry.. 💔💔💔

I promise, I'll make you happy 😘

Thank you for reading..
Thanks a lot for the votes and comments too. 😊

Keep reading and spread love ❤️

~Tania ♥️

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