Author's Note

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Assalamwalaikum my lovely readers!

How are you all?

You probably noticed that I kind of vanished for about a year. I completely deleted my work, disappeared, and went off the radar. But now, here I am, back at it again, trying to pick up the pieces and rewrite my stories with a fresh perspective.

I just want to say a massive thank you to those of you who stuck around. I know it must've been frustrating to see everything suddenly gone, and I'm truly sorry for that. Sometimes life throws you a curveball, and you just need to step back, take a breather, and figure things out. That's pretty much what happened to me.

Now that I'm back, I'm taking the time to dig into my existing stories, make some changes, and improve the plots. I need your help in this process of improvement. I want to know what you think-like, really think. What do you love about the story so far? What's not working for you? Are there parts of the plot that feel off? Your feedback is going to be super important in shaping these stories as I rewrite them.

And don't worry, I'm not looking for praise just for the sake of it. I want honesty. If something isn't working, let me know! I promise I can take it, and I'll use your feedback to make the story better. At the same time, if there's something you love, I want to hear about that too. It'll help me understand what's clicking with you and what I should lean into more.

Your comments and your thoughts matter to me. So please, don't hold back. Share what's on your mind.

If you're new around here, welcome! I'm excited to have you join us on this journey. And if you've been here from the start, thank you again for sticking with me.

I'm looking forward to hearing what you think, and I hope you're as excited as I am to see where this story goes next.

Until next time, happy reading, and don't be a stranger-drop a comment, send a message, whatever works for you.

Follow me here on Wattpad as well as on my Instagram account (Username: love_fahi)

Thank you so much.😊
Love you all. ❤

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