◇Act V ◇

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It had gotten worse.
So very much worse.
I couldn't decide which frustrated me most, the silence of my phone, or the thick tension of pheromones between Naruto and I.
It had been like this since my heat got worse, as if I could barely talk before I now could hardly squeak out a word without becoming a moaning mess.
It was undoubtedly the most embarrassing experience of my entire existence.

I could tell that Naruto had been holding back lately, I noticed every time he neared me he didn't dare take a breath in. I knew the reason why. My scent was too much for him, he couldn't control himself.
My main question concerning this observation is why would he still be helping me? This is what really had me stumped, he has no reason to even give a damn about my well-being. I pondered on this thought for awhile, then decided the truth will show itself someday.

I gently picked up my phone from the nightstand next to me, it was currently 10:42 pm. Where did Naruto go? I hadn't seen the blonde headed fool for a while... I searched my murky memory for an answer. Think. Think. Fuck. Suddenly a thought hit me,

'I remember while I was in wreathing pain and was a hot mess Naruto walked on and gagged on my thick pheromones that were wafting around the room. I saw him lose composure and walk towards me with eyes that hardly seemed familiar to me, I could hear his heavy breath out if pure strange instinct I reached out towards him, he grabbed my hands softly and nuzzled his nose into my scent gland just breathing in my pheromones. I felt oddly calm, like for a split second while he held my hands that I was okay and not the absolute wreck I was normally.
Suddenly I felt him go stiff, he slowly pulled away from me his face was the shade of a ripe cherry. He starred at me with wide eyes. What the hell is he doing? I wanted to feel his touch again as he carefully let go of my shaky hands. "I-I'll be back in a bit d-don't worry okay?" He left the room covering his face with hands in pure embarrassment. I-I'm not sure why I enjoyed being held by him so much, but I wish he was still with me. I turned over to my side as my eyes grew weary and quickly drifted into sleep.'

This memory repeated in my head over and over again. I began to panic, I've never had anything of this sort happen before! What the fuck am I supposed to do! To say! I began to spiral out if my mind when my thought process was a knock at the frame of the door, I turned my head to see Naruto walking towards me with a plastic bag, containing heat necessities like pain meds, a heat collar, etc.
I tried to thank him but all my pathetic ass could do was moan out. He put his hand on my cheek, "It's okay, it's hard for you to talk so it's alright if you stay quiet. I'd understand," I leaned into his touch and just smiled at him.
I have absolutely no idea why, but I just trusted him, something I hadn't done in a while.


It been a few hours, I had a scent collar on and was on some meds so Naruto and I were able to watch a movie together on the bed. And for the first time since I arrived here I was able to relax, but the comfortable atmosphere that had built up was quickly destroyed by a ringing, I felt my lap buzz. I slowly picked up my phone. My hands shaking and adrenaline pumping throughout my body I checked my phone
'Incoming Call'
I looked at Naruto with worry in my eyes, he nodded at me and left the room leaving me alone with a huge amount of anxious pheromones.
I numbly answered the phone
"H-Hey Mom..."
"Sasuke, I know what happened" I took a deep breath "You knew about why people can't know about you," "And what did you do? You went against what I told you!" She was beginning to raise her voice "You are so selfish! After everything I've tried to do for you, and this is what I get?!" I hardly noticed my eyes were getting teary until a drop fell on my hand. "You ruined the Uchiha name! What do think will happen when the press finds out!" "Why can't you be more like your brother?!" "He's a mature successful alpha! He does what he's told, and doesn't ruin his family name!" "Sasuke. You're father is too furious to speak with you," "And I am bound to die of shame" I sat in silence "Don't bother coming to Thanksgiving," "Since you're not 18 I cannot cut you off, but once you are I'm cutting ties. I'm sure you know that" "Goodbye Sasuke."

I numbly set down the phone and didn't know how upset I was until Naruto came in and began hugging me and wiping the tears off my face.
I continued to cry and bawl like a toddler until I had cried myself to sleep and drifted off to a dreamless slumber.

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