Chapter 1

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The was strong, irresistible. Cheryl could hear the blood pumping through peoples veins. This didn't help that Cheryl was at a club with her friend Veronica and was surrounded by many drunk, intoxicated people. She felt as if she couldn't control her desire for the human blood. Veronica noticed how out of it cheryl seemed. "Cher? Cheryl!" Veronica shouted as she shook Cheryl lightly "are you okay?" She spoke calmly over the loud thumping of the music. "You don't look well cher" she said noting how much more paler cheryls skin looked, how panicky Cheryl seemed to be or the darkness and the glow of red in cheryls eyes. "Y-yeah, I'm fine.." Cheryl lied gaining her composure. "I just need some fresh air" she said rushing off covering her mouth through the crowd of people as she realised her fangs were possibly showing. Cheryl didn't know what she was doing but she knew she just needed to get out of there.

Next thing she was flat on the tiled floor with a thud and then a hand was leant out by a woman a little shorter than she was but much stronger and had bright pink hair which was scraped back in a bun. She had coffee coloured skin but yet so pale. She was gorgeous. "It's rude to stare" the woman said taking Cheryl out of her thoughts. Cheryl blushed before she gratefully took the woman's hand and was helped up. "Are you okay?" The woman asked a little shocked. Cheryl just nodded, still a bit out of it. "Come with me" the woman whispered in Cheryl's ear. Cheryl shivered at the woman's breath hitting off of her neck. "O-okay" Cheryl agreed and the woman grabbed her hand which made Cheryl's heart race before leading her outside and behind a wall where they couldn't be seen.

"What are you do-" Cheryl was interrupted by the woman speaking up "I know what you are" Cheryls eyes grew wide. Shit- Cheryl thought. "Wha-" the woman took a blood bag from inside her suit pocket. "Just drink this it will help with your desire for the human blood" she spoke looking around before biting the top off the bag and passing it to Cheryl which she drank gratefully. The woman stepped closer to Cheryl and wiped her chin and then stared into Cheryl's eyes. "There was some blood on your chin..." Cheryl notes the red glow in the pink haired woman's eyes. "Who are y-" Cheryl went to ask but was cut off yet again "My names Toni, Toni Topaz" she said holding out her hand for her to shake with a bright toothy... fangy grin? Cheryl raised an eyebrow confused. She has fangs? She's a- Cheryl thought to herself. "Yes I'm the same as you" Toni whispered. Cheryl's eyes grew wide.
I hope you liked this. It's pretty shitty tbh but leave a like and share this story.

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