Chapter One: Waking Up

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I felt myself gain conscious. Slowly, my eyes snapped open and was engulfed by a bright light and blurriness. I groaned and finally got a clearance of where I was. I was in a unfamiliar room, I was engulfed in sheets that belong to a huge bed. I cautiously sat up and felt around the bed but stopped as I felt something hard but warm. I blushed and pulled the sheets down and saw a man laying in the bed! I let out a crucial scream and backed away, falling out of bed and onto the hard wooded floor, startling the man in the bed.

He groaned and sat up, looking down at me,"Would you be quite? I was sleeping,"he whined, rubbing his eyes childishly. I looked at him in disbelief, why was he acting as if this was normal? I glanced down and saw he was shirtless revealing his pale chest. I blushed and looked down at my chest and saw I was only in my bra and panties. I looked back at him to see him staring at me with a smirk, quickly I covered my chest with my arms and stood up, glaring at him,"Who are you?"I coldly ask.

He laughed and stretched, getting out of the bed and stood in front of me. He was at least a few inches taller then me, his dark red hair hung lazy in straight lines, his dark brown orbs stared down at me with a amused look,"I'm Andy,"he answers.

"Well, Andy, why were you laying in bed with me?"I empathized his name.

"You don't remember?"He asked, amusement lacing his words as he crosses his arms and raises his dark eyebrow towards me.

"Remember?"I mumbled, looking down at the floor with a thoughtful look, trying to remember the events that took place yesterday but failed. I shook my head.

He pouted,"Aw, I was hoping you would remember. It was a night to remember,"he winked at me.

"A night to..Wait, hold up. What do you mean a night to remember?"I squealed rushing towards him, completely ignoring the fact that I was still in my underwear.

"Whoa, relax nothing happened, I was only messing around with you jeesh but if you must know, last night I bought you,"he explains, walking over to his dresser and pulled out two shirts. He threw one on.

"Bought me?"I was now clearly confused.

"Yeah at the auction yesterday, how can you not remember?"

I shrugged. I slowly sat on the foot of his bed, trying to process what was happening,"So wait, you bought me? Meaning..."

"Meaning, you're mine,"Andy answers walking towards me and handing me the short he pulled out. I slowly took it and quickly threw it on, it stopped above my knee, covering most of my bottom.

"For how long?"my voice cracked at the end.

"Forever, if you want to be dramatic,"he says, taking a seat next to me, creasing my cheek with his big hand. I pulled away from him and stood up, pacing around his room, thinking,"I could go home, right?"I frantically ask,"Right?"

He sighed and shook his head,"If you wanna swim and by the looks of you, you don't swim,"he laughs at the end.

I glare at him but soon became confused,"What do you mean swim?"I questioned, raising my eyebrow.

"For someone that just woke up you sure ask a lot of questions,"he sighs irritably.

I glared at him, waiting for my answer and tapped my foot on the floor.

"Because we aren't in America no more, we're now in Tokyo,"he answers, standing up.

I stand there emotionless. Tokyo?

"Tokyo as in Tokyo, Japan?"I gulped, praying it wasn't Japan.

"What other Tokyo would there be?"

I wanted to cry. No, crawl into a ditch and die! I turned away from him and held my head with my hand as I started thinking about my family, worrying if they were alright. I suddenly felt arms around my waist and a cold chest hit the back of my back. I let my hands fall to my side and tried to get out of Andy's grip but it only made him grip tighter. He shuffled towards the bed and threw me onto it, crawling on top of me. I whimpered and turned my head to the other side but it was brought back gently.

"Don't cry, I won't hurt you, Jolie,"he whispers and leans down, kissing my forehead.

I didn't even realized I was crying, slowly I relaxed but kept my frown,"Why did you buy me?"I curiously ask.

He sat on top of me and shrugged,"I needed someone to be my assistant,"he says and get off of me.

I sat up,"A assistant?"I ask.

He nods,"Yeah, I needed someone to be at home while I'm out working."

"May I ask what you work as?"I say skeptically.

"I'm an operator of the Tokyo Mob,"he answer swiftly.

I froze. A mobster? I literally died as I dug my face into one of the big clouded pillows. Why does everything happen to me? I was just working at a hotel, got caught up in a VIP party, tried getting out, saw something I shouldn't have seen, and broke the Virgin Statue...

"Wait, why buy an assistant if you could just hire someone from the street?"I squealed, looking up at him.

"It's risky. There's a lot of spy's from the other mob, scattered around. Hiring them and bringing them into my house would just be like taking candy from a baby, they would know everything about the next step,"he explains,"and besides I need a toy,"he winks.

I blushed,"B-but I'm only 18,"I fought back.

"So? I'm 25, not much of a age difference,"he shrugged.


"Now, lets get you dressed up. We're going shopping!"he smiled and clapped his hand together.

Oh god. What have I gotten myself into...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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