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Seven o'clock Saturday finally rolls around and I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I have spent the last few hours being slathered in makeup and hairspray, and I'm one millisecond from ending someone's existence. I can't begin to describe how wonderful it is being able to take on any form instantly. I would have lost my mind years ago if I had to achieve the same result through conventional methods. But that being said... it's time to go.

Kiersten, Allie, and the other maids wish me good luck, albeit a rather envious good luck. I'd switch with any of you in a heartbeat, I think as I make my way downstairs. I fiddle with my little, black dress, a donation from Kiersten, one last time, and double check my makeup. Just a girl being nervous about a date. Totally not a world-class assassin. Not.

Finally, with a final toss of my freshly curled hair, I glide down the last staircase and out the back door. Lucius is waiting in his flashy Aston Martin. Show off, I think with a grin. Orion must think my smile means I'm impressed because he says, "It's pretty sweet, isn't it?"

"Very," I say, allowing him to help me into the passenger's seat.

Lucius slides into the driver's seat. "It was a birthday present from Percy."

I raise my eyebrows. "I wish my brother would buy me a luxury car. Well, if I had a brother, that is."

He laughs. "He was good for fancy toys, Percy was. Dad just says I need to get a job."

I can't deny I find it a little odd that he would talk about his brother like that. Perseus being dead and all. I'm not one to talk, though. "So... Lucius-," I begin, but he cuts me off.

"Luke. Please. Lucius sounds so... pretentious."

I give a nervous giggle. "Well, um... How far away is this party... Luke?"

"We do kind of live out in the sticks here... about an hour, I'd say. I want to make a quick stop in town, if that's alright with you."

"I don't mind," I say, "What are we stopping for?"

"I was getting my watch repaired, and I figured I might as well get it while I'm driving by. Save someone else a trip into town, you know?"

I nod and the conversation continues mostly without my input. Me, Natalia, I mean. I've always been able to mentally tune out during a conversation. You and me can be talking for hours and I won't remember a thing. I can't decide if it's a blessing or a curse. It's certainly helpful when I'm talking to Boris, but at the same time I constantly have to make him repeat things. Usually, though, I just ask Alex what I missed. He can tell when I'm gone.

Eventually I do have to drag myself out of my dream world before I actually miss something important. Lucius... Luke... is just stopping the car outside the jeweler's. "It'll just be a minute, if you want to wait here." He flashes me an annoyingly devilish grin. "Of course, you can come too."

He looks a little disappointed when I blush and shake my head. "I'll just wait here."

"Then I will return shortly, Miss Stephanie." With that he's out of the car and I can finally relax. I don't dare let my disguise slip, but I can get the last hour's worth of scowling out of the way. I just have time to paste a smile back on my face before Luke returns. "Let's be off then!"

It's a fairly quick journey to the Lawrence's estate. The house is smaller than the Orion's, but it has that old southern plantation gaudiness about it. A small army of expensive cars surrounds the front of the house. I can see the jewels sparkling from here. This isn't a party, this is a freakin' ball. I suddenly feel way underdressed, but Stephanie is only a maid. It's not like she could a Jovani ball gown. Oh, well... I've been in worse situations.

Still, I have a show to put on. I let hesitation creep into my expression and I clutch my little purse anxiously. "Hey," Luke says, holding out his hand, "Don't worry about them. You look great."

I blush. "I was just... admiring the view." He chuckles and pulls me out of the car before I have a chance to react. I just manage to catch my balance before we reach the huge stairs that lead to the front door. A harried-looking man is holding a tablet. "Name please," he says in a tired voice.

"Luke Orion," Luke says, "And this is my guest, Stephanie King."

The man taps a few times at his tablet before waving us through the door. "Keeps people from crashing the party. You'd be surprised how many people would drive for hours to sneak into these things," Luke explains.

I can't imagine why, I think. I don't have to come up with a response, though, because someone is calling Luke's name. I turn to see a truly repulsive specimen of humanity pushing his way through the crowd. He is on the wrong side of overweight, his hair is so oily you could fry bacon in it, and his face seem to be stuck in a creepy leer.

Luke, however, gives his hand a hearty shake and says, "Good to see you again, Sammy. How's life been treating you?"

Sammy grins and says loudly, "Oh, Dad is a boor, Mom is fussing, and Carlee dumped me, but I can't complain. But who is this gorgeous babe?" I'm so distracted by the sweat stains on his wrinkly shirt that it takes me a moment to realize that he is talking about me. You have got to be kidding me...

Lucius' pleasant expression only falters for a moment. "This is Stephanie. She... works for us."

Sam gives me a lecherous wink. "A bit of Cinderella action going on, I see."

Before he can say something else disgusting, a girl calls his name from another room and he makes his exit. "You okay?" Luke asks once he's gone.

"Yes, I'm fine," I say after moment, "I can see why you're not friends with him anymore, though."

He just laughs and takes my hand. "Why don't I show you around. Introduce you to some nice people."

I smile slowly. "That sounds nice."

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