To Whom it May Concern

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**New format kiddos <3

The thought of you decays my mind as if you were a disease.

A constant reminder of what never should have been

But will always be.

I find myself unable to love you but equally unable to let go of you-

Walking contradiction is my new nickname.

You are the unbearable song echoing in my brain,

A carbon copy of the twisted melodies I always intended to bury.

However, tears still sting my eyes;

I still tug down the sleeves that mask the scars and bruises you left

In your wake.

Why is it that after all this time,

I still allow the weight of you to suffocate me, forever pulling



I've grown weary of constantly fighting the currents you've conjured.

Here and now, I accept your ocean and the harshness of its waves,

I will them to wash over me, and pull me under to be forgotten alongside the memory of you.

 Okay y'all so I just went through and read pretty much every comment and first I wanna say that I'm so sorry about my shitty response time. But secondly I wanna say, please please please reach out to me if you need anything. I cannot stress enough how serious I am about this. I'm working on making myself more readily available because none of you deserve to feel alone. So please know that you never are, you will always be able to come to me with anything and I will listen, no questions asked and no judgement. You are deeply loved. I love you all so very much, and hope you're all well. Please never hesitate to seek help. <3

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