Chapter 29

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Justin's POV
I'm done with the tour and i have 2 months break until my next tour which is the Asian tour.. I already spent my 1 week break by roaming around Paris with Raine.. We spent most of it by walking around the city, going shopping for our families and friends and going to the Eifle Tower taking pictures together.. Well actually it's kind of creepy doing stuff like wearing disguise while roaming around but we did it for the sake of not being mobbed by fans.. Now we're all at the airport waiting to board to our private plane,me going back to LA and Raine going back to the Philippines to attend all her business engagements.. We didn't want to go in separate ways but we have our own careers to attend to.. I myself will be going back to LA to attend some interviews to promote my Asian tour then going home to Canada to spent time with my family..

"Justin where's Raine?" Scooter asked, his face was pale and look terrified.. What's with him?

"She went to the bathroom.. Why Scoot? Is everything alright?" i confusedly asked

"Nothing.. It's just..." he didn't continue because he already saw Raine walking to our directionn.. He walked to her and grabbed her hand and lead her to the corner.. They talked seriously then Raine face turns pale and she's crying, that's when i decided to walked at their direction..

"Are you alright babe? " I asked her, then looked to Scooter "What did you said to her? Why is she crying?" I asked and clenched my fists, I'm about to punch Scooter but Raine holds my hand

"It's okay babe.. It's nothing that i can't handle.." She calmly said

"What do you mean?!You're not going to cry if he didn't said something wrong!" I said in a stern voice while looking to Scooter

"I didn't said something bad to her Justin.. It's up to her if she want to tell you.." Scooter said and left us

"What is it babe?" i calmly asked her while holding her both hands

"I'll tell you in time Justin not now.. I need to go.." She said and let go of my hands and wiped her tears using the back of her hands and walked straight to the chair where we sitted a while then her phone rings

"Hello?... Yeah i'm coming... What?!... How?!... That's bullshit!!... I'm coming! I'll do it myself if they didn't want to move!!... I have my connections!!..." She said fuming and shouting at the person she's talking to..

"What's really happening Raine?" I asked her while i hold her forearm to face me but she gets away from my grip

"Not now Justin! I need to go!" She said in a stern voice and frowning, i was taken aback at her sudden reaction then suddenly her face softens when she realize what had happened "I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to..." I cut her off by waving my hands at her dismissively,

"Whatever Lorraine" I blankly said and sits, I took my iPhone in my pocket and busied myself by playing.. I heard her sigh and sniffs,

"I'm sorry Justin but i need to do this.." Her voice cracked "I didn't mean to shout at you, I'll tell you in time, I just need to fix something back home" She said sadly, I know she's crying but i restrained myself from hugging her and tells her that it's alright but I'm mad at her coz she doesn't want to tell what Scooter told her

"Are we okay Justin?" She asked and sniffs, i didn't answer her "Please Justin Talked to me... I don't want you to be mad at me while we're far apart..." she pleaded

"I don't know Lorraine, I think we need a break..." I said without even thinking, Then i heard her sighed heavily

"Okay, If that's what you want... I thought you can understand me just the way i understand you, but i think i was wrong all along..." She said in a serious tone but i can hear the hurt in her voice, "Goodbye Justin..." she said crying... I'am about to speak to take back what i had said but she's already running to the exit, I run to follow her but the securities hold me, she's already board in her private plane.. What did i do? fuck! You screwed it Justin!

"Where is she?" Scooter asked me, that's when i realized he followed me

"She's gone" I said, I fell into my knees and cried "I screwed it Scoot!" I said crying

"It's going to be okay Justin.. Give her time.." Scoot said whlie he taps my shoulder
"I don't think so.. She's really mad at me.." I said hopelessly

"You should have respect her silence Justin.. She have a problem back home and you added her burden.." he said while shaking his head "Lets go, our plane is ready..." he said and walked straight to the plane

I followed him and tried to call Raine but her phone is out o coverage... When i reached inside the plane i sits in my chair and put on my seat belt.. I reached my ipod and put the earbuds in my ear and listen to musics i had just to escape for a while.. I fell asleep listening musics..

The next thing i knew is that i went down the plane grumpy, i don't even stopped to take pictures and signed autographs to my fans.. I felt sorry to my fans but I'm not in the mood.. I still can't contact Raine, I tried calling her phone but she's still can't be reach.. What am i gonna do? I don't even know where she is coz Scooter told me that she's not in the Philippines.. I felt helpless.. When i reached our car i slid inside together with Scooter

"Scoot can you please tell me what happend to her? and where she is?" I desperately asked him

"I'm sorry Justin but i can't tell you coz i don't even know where she is.." He said

"Then atleast tell me what happened to her?" i asked

"I'm sorry but i promised her not tell you.." he said while looking away

"Shit! I have the right to know! she's my fucking girlfriend!" I shout at him

"Yeah right Justin! But i think you already lost that chance for being her boyfriend when you told her that you both need a break! did you fucking forget that?!" he hissed

"Argh! Sorry.. I made a big mistake.." i said while clutching my head "I shouldn't have done that.. I should have respect her decision like she always did for me" I cried

"You need to be strong Justin.. Give her time.. When she's already okay, she'll come back.. okay?" He said while tapping my shoulder

Yeah i need to be strong and wait for her to come back... But how long do i need to wait? I need to distract myself while she's not with me.. After my interviews and photoshoots here i will go home to Canada to be with my family..

When I met him (Justin Beiber)Where stories live. Discover now