Kaidoh Kauro Oneshot

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"Gather up, big news!" Coach Ryuzaki said. All seigaku regular members gathered "Listen up! Within two weeks, a special tournament is going to be held...all doubles. Schools are not going to compete against each other but individually." Coach Ryuzaki added. The boys started looking at each other "What do you mean by individually?" Fuji asked. She smiled once she heard Fuji's question (This is going to be exciting!) Coach Ryuzaki was thinking. "I mean by that each one of you have to find a partner from other schools, you can't have one from the same school plus..." Coach Ryuzaki paused and started smirking "The partner should be from the other sex...a female partner in other words." She added. All the regular and non-regular were shocked. "Consider me out." Kaidoh said and was about to leave but Coach Ryuzaki added "It's mandatory. Players who refused to participate will be forced to quit the team...General rule from upper management. Now boys, good luck...dismiss." She added and left the training court. There was a moment of silence until been cut by Momoshiro's and Eiji's shouts "Yes!! I'm heading to St. Rudolf!!" Momoshiro said "And I'm going to ask Yumi Chan from Yamabuki!" Eiji added. These two were excited and already made their minds while the others were still thinking, either to accept or quit playing tennis.

Kaidoh's POV
Days passed and four left and still no progress. Inui and Kawamura still didn't find partners too while the others did. Both Fuji and Tezuka chose girls from Hyotei, Eiji from Yamabuki, Momoshiro and Echizen from St. Rudolf and finally Oishi from Fudoumine. Our training day was over and here we are in the dressing room, I sighed while facing my locker (Four days left then it's all over) I thought. "Hey Viper, you need to act fast or you'll be kicked out!! Just say it...do you need the help of the experts?" Momoshiro said. I didn't reply instead my as hard as I could and held him. The usual routine fight between was about to start but when Inui came in and announced that he and Kawamura found partners, it was all over to me. I let go of Momoshiro and left the room.

I went to my favourite pet shop which I usually go there whenever I'm stressed out or wanted to release my anger. I was looking at all these cute kittens "Wish I could choose one of you as my partner. At least we can get along well. Maybe when I quit playing, I'll work here. Anyway..thanks, I'm feeling better now. See you later." I was talking to them then left the shop. It was snowing but what happened next wasn't expected. There in the middle of the road in front of me, she was standing. I don't who she was or where is from but something told me that she is the one...she is my partner. She drew the most most beautiful scene ever; with her silver hair that reflects winter. She was standing under the snow carrying her tennis bag and playing with the fallen snow flakes as if she was controlling them...as if she is the Snow Empress. I didn't make any move, just stood dumbly watching her until she turned around and looked at me with her icy aqua eyes which made me slighty blushing and look to the other direction. I couldn't keep my eye sight away from her for more that 10 seconds, I made up my mind to ask her whether she plays tennis in her school and whether she wants to be my partner; but she wasn't there....she's gone. I looked all over the near by places but no sign of her (Was I imagining her?) I asked myself.

"Kaidoh, you are not focusing? Are you thinking of a girl?" Inui asked me. I was shocked (Is it obvious?) but pretended that I'm not "Sure not, Inui senpai." I replied and went back to practice. Fuji was standing next to Inui "Sure he is worried, two day left and still couldn't find a partner." Fuji said. (You are wrong Fuji senpai, I found my partner but I don't know her or where is she from? She is out there...my partner, my Snow Empress.) I corrected Fuji's assumption in my head. "Hey Kaidoh, watch out!" Eiji called to warn me of the flying ball towards me. I was lost in my thought that I didn't notice it and it was a straight hit to my forehead. I was taking to the hospital, on my way out I heard a unique and odd name which grabbed my attention "Say hi to the girls Frost Storm." One of the nurses said. "Ok, I will. Thanks" This girl, which called Frost Storm, replied. I could see her face clearly because I was in the second floor and she was wearing a hoodie. "Wait Frost...You forgot this, catch!" A nurse from second floor called and threw some kind of patch to her. I looked at her once again and to my luck, this Frost Storm was my Snow Empress. I went down as fast as I could (So she was real! I wasn't imagining!). I followed her out to the street and then called "Frost Storm, the Snow Empress." The girl stopped but didn't turn around "Do you know me?" Frost asked. I was hesitant at first "Yes, I do. You are Frost Storm, MY Snow Empress and now you are my tennis partner." I replied. Frost finally looked at me when she heard the tennis partner phrase "Your Snow Empress and tennis partner, you say." Frost commented. I felt that my body shivered when she looked at me with her icy aqua eyes, they were too deep and cold (luckily she had her hoodie on yet.) I approached her and lighty punched her chin up so I would be close to her face and look directly to those deep eyes "Yes, you are my tennis partner and either you want to or not you are going to be my girl...my empress." I said. Frost smiled "This is odd you know." She stated. I came closer "Sometimes odds are better than you think, empress." I replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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