Part 7: Moralities Questioned

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Down on the lower levels of the Butterfly castle, away from the commotion of Star's meltdown, Solaria was trudging the long halls of the palace, looking for any sign of Mina. As she slowly moved along, she took notice of the gallons of waste continuing to seep through the cracks in the walls, some even slamming onto the ground and splashing everywhere. Solaria was successful in avoiding every drop, but each new drop of waste made her all the more infuriated. She caught glimpses of damaged portraits scattered on the floor that were being destroyed by the waste's effects.

She took notice of one of the portraits being surrounded by the waste. It depicted her with Mina, her first ever Solarian warrior. She went to retrieve it carefully and took it with her on the walk. After getting past the cadre of waste, Solaria spent some time studying the portrait. What was once her proudest moment as Queen of Mewni had become a nightmare, a painful reminder of the carnage she felt responsible for unleashing. In her mind, in her heart, she had let her Mewman kind down by allowing them to be subjected by such atrocious abuse by the MHC, even if they were ultimately victims of ignorance.

Solaria entered the tapestry room. Most of the tapestries and their tablets of information were still mostly in tact. But one tapestry in particular caught Solaria's eye: Star's. She approached Star's tapestry slowly and stood in awe of its presence. Star's victorious posture, the united & elated monsters in the background...everything seemed to wow her. But there was something else that caught Solaria's eye: there was no tablet of information beneath it. Despite the fact that Star's tapestry was done, the tablet was never completed.

For literally no reason at all, Solaria decided to fix that. She found a nearby loose paper & inked quill and began to write something brief. When she finished, she found a nearby thumb tact and carefully tacked the paper onto the bottom of the tapestry. It wasn't large, but to her, it was perfect.

The paper read: The seeds of hate deflated, at the hands of Star the Underestimated.

After taking another moment to admire the tapestry again, Solaria resumed her search for Mina. She exited the tapestry hall and went into another room, a room that led straight to the fountain grotto. In the distance the sound of faint crying could be heard. She suspected it was Mina. She tip toed slowly into the area; as she got closer she realized that most of the floor and the walls were drenched in toxic waste. Sure enough, Mina was there, with her back to Solaria, knelled down on the ground in a spot where there was no waste. Mina was standing over a puddle of waste, where her pet crow Sebastian was lying. The crow had accidentally fallen into the waste, and not only had it been violently mutated into a part crow, part woolett, part shark monster, but it had injested so much wasted into its body that it poisoned and killed him quickly, leaving Mina completely shattered and broken.

After witnessing several of her loyal Solarian warriors succumb to the brutal effects of the waste & become the very thing she was trained to kill, she now had to experience a tragedy that crushed her so closely. Solarian slowly approached Mina, carefully avoiding stepping into the waste. She knelled down next to her and kept silent for a moment. While she didn't know the crow personally, she deduced that the crow was important to Mina, so he was important to her. After a moment, she looked across at Mina, who was still crying, and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm terribly sorry for your loss." She said quietly.

"Thank you, Queen Solaria." Mina was so entranced in her heartbreak that it didn't even dawn on her what she said until after she said it. But once she realized what was said, she gasped loudly and turned to face her. "QUEEN SOLARIA!" And the ensuing shock caused her to nearly fall over into the waste herself. Luckily Solaria caught her in time and situated her back on her feet, though she quickly knelled as a sign of respect. "My queen."

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