chapter one

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A/N: Please feel free to leave comments, they will be greatly appreciated xoxo

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The moment I stepped into the ballroom, I wanted to leave.

Too many people, too much noise, too many glittering dresses, and way too many pretentious snobs. Too many ladies shamelessly batting their overly made-up eyes at every man who passed. Too many perverted men eyeing up ladies half their age. Too many crowns, too many maids, too many tuxedos. Too many princes and princesses who would undoubtedly think that they're better than me.

This was definitely not my scene.

It was easy to find the princes. They were all dressed similarly, wearing royal uniforms much like mine. I was clad in an all-black, ceremonial royal military-style suit and shiny black shoes, a scabbard at my side. I really don't understand the deal with the royal men and the swords, it's the twenty-first century, nobody fights with a sword anymore.

The princesses were a bit harder to spot. I'd expect the fanciest dresses to belong to the heirs of the throne, but it seems that some of the noblewoman wanted to look like a princess for the night. Their dresses were just as flashy, if not more so. Some of the women who tried too hard looked like a mix between Lady Gaga and Cinderella.

All that stated, this place was just too much. Though, that might be coming from my usual hatred of giant social gatherings. I've just never liked them, honestly. They're too crowded and ostentatious. There are so many noblemen and women trying their best to suck up to the royal households that their lips may permanently get stuck to our posh asses.

In my opinion, these social gatherings also known as "balls" are just unnecessary. They are just excuses for women to get all dressed up and for men to cheat on their wives. They're reasons for princes and princesses from all over to come and stick their noses in the air and act better than everyone. They're loud, confusing and incredibly boring. The only things to do are dance and talk to these people, two activities that I'd rather not engage in.

Don't get me wrong, I like a good conversation. Unfortunately, there's no such thing when it comes to balls like these. Conversation with noblemen and noblewomen, dukes and duchesses, typically consists of them trying to elevate their status by kissing up to me. Conversation with other princes and princesses is worse. They brag and brag about how nice their kingdom is. They act as if they are completely superior.

That is until you tell them you are the prince and heir to the throne of Ronaldo Island. Then suddenly they're bowing at your feet and showering you with many unwanted kisses. I'd much rather talk to old people or even the common folk. The elderly have intellectual stories and advice and the common people keep it real.

The princes and princess attending this ball aren't from anywhere big like England, All of the Kingdoms in attendance come from small unknown islands. You see, Ronaldo is relatively small. Yet when compared to most of the kingdoms in attendance, it's quite big in size and popularity. If you asked someone in America about Ronaldo Island, they'd look at you funny. On the other hand, if you asked someone from one of the small Islands like Trinity or Montélaird, they'd act as if my mother was the queen of Scotland or something.

Ronaldo is a small island off the coast of the east side of Russia. There are a handful of other smaller islands in the area, But Ronaldo is the biggest. The island who comes in second would be Alexei Island, where were are having this obnoxious ball.

The islands of Ronaldo and Alexei have had some conflict in the past. Those conflicts were over a hundred years ago, yet the tension lives on. Why? Don't ask me. It's all over exaggerated in my opinion. OK, yes we fought a war last century, get over it. I find it hard to understand why our people still can't get along when none of them were even a part of what happened. I bet half of them don't even know what the war was about, I mean hey, I don't even know what took place. The entire purpose of this ball is to ease some of the tension between our nations, to bring a calming peace. The King of Alexei island has invited my family and I so that our people could form bonds. Why they had to invite every nearby island is beyond me. Couldn't we just sit down and have a meeting with them or something? Did they have to invite us to this whole tedious event?

Without a doubt, if the King and Queen of Alexei have a daughter, I will be forced to marry her. Being the youngest of six sons, and the only one that wasn't married by the age of fifteen, my parents have been on my case about finding myself a decent bride. Plus, what better way would there be to 'unite the kingdoms'?


It's quite unfair, honestly. My parents never seem to put any pressure on my twin sister, Sonia. She's not married, and they don't get on her ass about it.

"Simon, stop frowning, you look as if you have a death wish for everyone here." Sonia elbowed me in the side playfully. Her eyes still held the same mischievous glint they had when we were younger. I'd like to think she got it from me.

"Maybe I do," I grumbled. "Remind me why we have to be here, again?"

"If I knew, I'd tell you. Although I must admit, you do look sharp, little brother," she smirked.

"Little brother? I was born six minutes after you!" I argued. "However I must agree, I do look rather stunning, don't I?"

Amelia narrowed her icy blue eyes at me. "Cocky bastard-"

"I'm just playin, Nia. You look divine, but I don't need to tell you that," Smiling, I pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

I was being honest, she looked beautiful. Her gown was a two piece; the bodice was a bordeaux high-neck, long sleeved lace top, with a side split skirt. Her hair was done in braided florette updo, a very complex look to achieve, truly breathtaking. She gets all the good genes from me, of course.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't seem to be having a grand ole time," Sonia commented.

"What gave it away?" I retorted.

"It's been, like, five minutes," she rolled her eyes at my whining. "You can't be having that bad of a time. You haven't even talked to anybody yet."

"And I'd like to keep it that way," I remarked. "You know balls are not my scene," she winked, raising her eyebrows suggestively. Flipping her the bird, I continued, "Suck my ass. Anyways, I'm not sure what it is... Maybe it's the suffocating amount of perfume in the air or maybe it's the fact that when I do talk to someone, chances are they just want an opportunity to get a share of my money. I'll give them this though, the decorations are incredible."

Truthfully, the area was quite gorgeous. People of Alexei sure knew how to set up a ballroom. The ballroom was one giant room broken into a few floors. From where I stood on the bottom floor, I could see all the way to the top of the ceiling, which was at least seven stories away. The french marble floors were spotless. The gold wallpaper had an elaborate design that gave the entire ballroom a sovereign aura. Bouquets of white flowers lined the pristine walls.

The first story was dominated by a huge dance floor in the center, where ladies and gentlemen waltzed and socialized. All of the other floors were balconies, looking over the main floor. Men and women chatted casually as servants offered platters of food and drink, away from the commotion of the packed first floor. More white flowers adorned the stairwell walls and railings.

The thing that caught my attention, however, was the enormous crystal chandelier that hung from the high ceiling. It's crystalline detailing reflected across each of the floors, casting a lustrous light over every surface. The design of the ballroom was simple, yet elegant.

"Yeah, they're pretty nice," Sonia agreed. "Now come on. Time to socialize."

"Ugh, do I have to?" I whined. She responded by grabbing my arm and stringing me along right into the heart of the commotion, the dance floor.

~ Authors Note ~

-Please don't forget to follow me for further updates on this story,

I plan to update at least two to three times a week.

- if you have any questions go ahead and message me


~ blustallion 

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