The Last Scene

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Lee Ahreum POV

Ahreum-ah or Lee Ahreum, that's how people call me. There aren't many special things I can tell you besides my life for the past 16 years. Do you know? When people of the same age as me are enjoying being teenagers, going to school, going to karaoke, dating and other things a 16-year-old can do, that didn't happen to me. Have you ever heard about Pregoria Syndrome? Yes, that's my disease. A deadly disease where I would be older than my age. This made me experience complications from cholesterol, rheumatic and cataracts. All my life, I have felt pain. Medicine is my best friend since childhood.

My dad's name is Lee Daesoo. He is a taxi driver. Then my mother, Choi Mira, was a laborer in a tofu factory. My family is mediocre. Sometimes I feel very burdening my parents with this disease. My medical can't be said to be cheap. Starting from medicines worth hundreds to thousands won to be redeemed, the cost for chemotherapy and others.

For everything that happened, what I can do now is continue to live this uneasy life.

Author POV

"Yak, Daesoo-ya look at this and read it!" said Mira while holding her cellphone. "Ah ... why you always scream every morning. Huff very noisy". Said Daesoo then read Naver's message on Mira's cellphone. "What?? Our family will be interviewed by Cheoce Health magazine? They will interview us about Ahreum's disease? Wow, why is that? And why does the creative team know your cellphone number? "Daesoo said."Yak you're still 34 years old. How can you already senile? Hufft it's very sad. Do you know? The editor of Cheonce Health magazine is my friend, Gong Myeongsoo. Of course, they know my cellphone number. Hmm, they will interview us tomorrow morning. So, get ready ". Said Mira. "Okay, goodbye," said Daewoo while leaving the house to work.

Since Ahreum's childhood, he has no friend, no one wants to be his friend just because of his illness. This is what makes him not have many activities to spend time, other than writing stories.

"Oh my God ... why is this laptop not responding now? Oh come on, my short story is not finished. I have to immediately post it on my blog page," Ahreum said frustrated while taking off his glasses. Crack ... the sound of the door being opened was heard. "Ah, mom, you taught me if you want to enter the room you have to knock on the door first, why do you just go in?" Ahreum said. "Oh, sorry, I forgot. I promise I will not do it again. Ahreum-ah, have you taken your cholesterol medicine, rheumatism medicine, high blood pressure medicine, and your cataract medicine? Said Mira. "Oh mom come on, I won't forget to drink it all if I still want to stay alive," said Ahreum. "What are you talking about huh? Soon you'll get better Ahreum-ah, don't talk like that again. Come out, daddy just bought your favorite Thaitea, its Taro flavor, "said Mira."Wow cool, where is father now?" Asked Ahreum. "Daddy is in front of the television, as usual, he always snores because he overslept," Mira said as she left the room.

This morning, a team from Cheonce magazine came to the Ahreum family home to interview the family members about Ahreum's illness. The interview starts at 7 to 9 in the morning. The interview went well and will be published in the April issue.

Cheonce Health magazine April issue was published. A few days after the publication of the magazine, many donors that had read the magazine, giving compensation to Ahreum's family. "Wow, there are a lot of contributions, apparently there are still many good people in this world. Hmm... Hopefully, this will be useful for Ahreum treatment, "said Mira, who was sitting on a swing while staring at her savings book."Of course dear, this will be useful for Ahreum treatment." Daesoo said.

"Hoamm ... Hufft I'm sleepy, but still want to continue this story," said Ahreum exhausted. Suddenly there was an e-mail message. At first, he was hesitant to open it. He was afraid that it was only a prankster who wanted to insult him and taunt him because of his illness. But out of curiosity, he finally opened it. This is what it looks like.

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