2| Disciple

240 21 43

UPDATE! WHOO! I love this chapter as well, and I hope you guys do too!

Danny POV

The excitement in the air is almost contagious.


This was their first official mission outside the walls of the training rooms, and it was an adequate cause for excitement, but to be quite honest, it seemed like a giant waste of time to him.

Still, when he wasn't bitter about being drawn from his studies, Danny would admit that tonight even he was caught with the air of adrenaline.

Ever since their training mission against Alpha 8 and her team, there had been a shift within their team.

Everything was still tense, and it was painfully obvious how much they all wanted to be anywhere but together in a training room, but it's changed too. They weren't fighting with each other anymore. Rather than blatant comments and sneers, they've fallen into a routine.

Cheliceri called the shots, short and to-the-point strategies that got them to their goal the quickest way possible. While they all begrudgingly followed him - even Cheliceri whom begrudgingly explained their battle plans – it was the best strategy they could come up with. As long as they looked like they were getting along, it brought the disappointment from their superiors down to a minimum.

Their every interaction was still tense and awkward, but they made it work.

If only to get this blasted team-phase they'd make it work.

Zver didn't fight with them as often, although her hissing and glares were still present. Guard Dog had become somewhat easier to work with, and Novae might've even been warming up to them, if but a little.

They're progress, while shaky and tense, was enough to get the approval of their mentors. Baron Mordo expressed his satisfaction in Danny's performance whenever he got back from the training rooms, weary from the spells that had sapped his energy and eager to get some mediation in to replenish his strength. He'd admit that Baron Mordo's praise lifted his heart and he much preferred it over his scathing lectures.

They'd been given the day off to conserve energy for this very mission, and after getting the debriefing, Danny understood why.

Their target was a SHIELD base somewhere outside of Queens. It was in an old abandoned mall, deserted and filthy. Taskmaster's intel insisted that it was actually one of Nick Fury's most secure hidden bases and had the locations of several prison holds containing some of the world's most deadly villains. They're mission was to infiltrate the building, take out whatever security measures were inside, and come back with as much information on those whereabouts as they could – preferable all the information if they could manage.

Danny went through the plan again, silent in their convoy. The rest of the team was equally quiet as they waited, strapped down in their seats, ticking down the time till they made it to the destination.

It was an awkward span of time and Danny was relieved when the jet started slowing down and their pilot told them to prepare for the drop-point. Silently movements, almost robotic, Guard Dog and Zver took the parachutes from the side of the wall and hooked them on. Cheliceri, Novae, and Danny stood off to the side, eagerly waiting for the latched door to open.

The other two joined them quickly and only a few more minutes passed before the pilot gave them a quick prewarning and the door opened. Cold night wind rushed in, nipping at their fingers and faces, and slapped any sort of daze they might've fallen in.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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