11: Test #3

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They say you shouldn't return to the scene of the crime, but I did, if not to throw people off, then out of curiosity.

I didn't go in though, just walked past. I saw Nico in there, talking to...Alton O'Quinn. Of course.

Man, if Alton was suspicious of me before...

I quickly got the hell away from there and returned home before anyone could see me.

I felt bad about the robbery, of course. $200 isn't much, but it's better than what I had before. I'm just sorry I scared the shit out of Nico. I would rather it had been Xander himself or another adult, not a seventeen or so year old kid.

I hid the $200 in a small chest Nicole had for her jewelry, but decided to put $10 into my wallet.

Using the large sum of money in my wallet (about $20), I went and bought a pizza for that night. I felt dirty as I purchased it, though. Only about 10 of those 20 dollars were actually mine.

"There was a robbery down at Xander's Sandwiches," Alton said to me later that day. "Did you hear about that?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I live in town, everyone heard about it."

Crystal was there, too. They both had a habit of just showing up. "The chief wants to check your blood again."

"Jesus! Two times isn't enough for him?" I said, annoyed.

"Well, now that this has happened..." Alton faded.

"What? I asked. "Are you saying I did it?"

"No, Nolan. It's just a little coincidental that you were denied a job there on the same day it was robbed. We want to be able to clear you." Alton said.

I started getting a little nervous. "Well, what if my blood's darker but I didn't rob the place?"

"Are you saying it'll be darker?" Crystal asked.

"No...I mean, blood can change. I might've lied on my résumé, would that darken it?"

Alton laughed a little. "Just relax, Nolan. If you actually robbed Xander's Sandwiches, your blood would be the color of what was once considered normal. A lie might make it a very light pink."

This only made me worry more, but I tried my best not to show it. Looking at the two of them as we drove to the police station, I couldn't tell if they thought it was me or not. I could definitely tell Crystal was easing up on me with the murder case, but did she think I was a thief?

Well, if she did, she was right.

"Mr. McCain!" Chief Burke smiled. "Long time no see!" He laughed a hearty laugh.

I tried to smile. "We should just make this an annual thing. Anytime anything goes wrong, you know how to find me."

The chief laughed again and beckoned for the nurse (the same as last time) to come over. "You know the drill." She took my blood then left to examine it. "We're sorry we have to keep doing this. Just have to make sure."

I nodded. "I understand." This was it. My blood was going to be red as a rose, and they will throw me in jail after all.

The nurse came back. She was smiling. "Still white as ever."

"Wonderful! You're good to go!" Chief Burke said. I swallowed hard and didn't move. "McCain? You hear me?"


"You can go. You're still clear."

I looked from the chief to the nurse. "Great." I tried to sound nonchalant, like I wasn't surprised.

Alton eyed me suspiciously, but Crystal smiled. "Do you have plans tonight?" She asked me.


"Do you want to come to dinner with Alton and I?" Alton looked surprised as Crystal asked this.

"I couldn't possibly-" I began.

"It's fine. I know you've been by yourself for a while. You could use a night out."

Alton's face clearly said he didn't want me there, but he smiled when he turned to me. "It would be a pleasure."

Alton doesn't like me. Either that, or he doesn't believe me.

"If you insist-"

"We do." Crystal smiled.

Where did the Crystal I first met go? Why isn't she so sure it was me anymore? Maybe she did still think it was me, but is distracted because of her upcoming wedding.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we walked to Alton's car.

"Franklin's. My father owns it." Alton said.

"So he must be Franklin?"

Alton nodded. "Sure is. He wanted me to take over, maybe make my own restaurant one day. I told him Alton's doesn't sound as good."

"I would've gone there." Crystal smiled.

"When I told him I wanted to be a police officer, well..."

"He couldn't have been disappointed. Who gets disappointed over someone wanting to be a hero?" I said.

Alton smirked a little. "I wouldn't say he was disappointed. He was just upset I wouldn't be carrying on the family business. My younger brother, David, decided he would do it. Opened a restaurant down in New Orleans. Calls it O'Quinn's." Alton scoffed. "Guess who's the favorite now."

"Will it be awkward going to your father's restaurant?" I asked.

"No. He's gotten over it, I think. Ever since David opened his restaurant, it's like Dad forgot I didn't."

About twenty minutes later we arrived at the restaurant. We entered and were greeted by a tall, blond man with brown eyes. He immediately smiled when he saw us.

"Alton!" The man said happily. "And Crystal! I'm so glad you came!" He noticed me for the first time. "And who's this?"

Alton exchanged a look with Crystal, who now seemed to realize why he wasn't too thrilled about inviting me along. "Dad, this is our friend, Nolan McCain. Nolan, my father."

I smiled slightly and reached out my hand. Franklin O'Quinn smiled back, but it was a forced smile that almost made him look like he was sneering. "Nolan McCain?" He nodded and shook my hand.

I knew what he was thinking: The wife slaughterer?

"Hello, sir." I said.

"Well, come on! I'll show you to your table!" His happiness was back, but then he drew his son closer and whispered into his ear.

"Sorry." Crystal said. "I guess I didn't think this one all the way through."

"It's fine." I said, feeling more and more uncomfortable as we walked on.

We sat at a table in the very back, away from everyone else. Mr. O'Quinn claimed it was for privacy for the lovebirds, but I knew he really meant so no one would see me and ask him why he let a murderer into his restaurant.

We talked for a few hours, having a good time. Neither of them knew that they were sitting at the same table as a robber that threatened a seventeen year old with a gun.

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