★ | 116. why does she hate me, gossip girl

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 116: Why Does She Hate Me, Gossip Girl
Word Count: 1187

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 116: Why Does She Hate Me, Gossip GirlWord Count: 1187

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Blair Waldorf. The girl who absolutely hated [name] for no good reason. She was always finding some way to get on his nerves or make his life hard. She was the most annoying freaking person he had ever met and he wished she would just leave him alone already. "What did I even to do her? Why does she hate me so much?"

Nate raised his eyebrows and looked at him a little confused. "There's no way you don't actually know why she doesn't like you."

"Uh... is it something obvious? I really have no idea. I'm a pretty great guy. You'd think she'd love me like everyone else does." He responded cockily.

"Okay..." Nate trailed off, grabbing his hand and pulling him down next to him. "Do you remember how we got together?"

[name] smirked. "Of course I do. You couldn't keep your hands off of me." He laughed, wrapping his arms around Nate's waist and digging his face into his neck, starting to place soft kisses on his neck.

Nate pushed him back. "Yeah but you remember I used to be her boyfriend and she was in love with me... and than I had sex with you, at a wedding, while I was her date."

"Oh, yeah... that's right." He sighed and rested his head on the back of the couch. "But it's not like I can go back and change it. Even if I could I wouldn't because I ended up being with the guy I'm in love with. I'm not asking her to like me, I'm just asking her to leave me alone."

"Blair Waldorf isn't going to leave you alone until you break and she never just forgives and forget. The only thing you can do is try to ignore her." Nate ran his hands through his boyfriends hair.

"It's kind of hard to ignore her when she gets her minions to throw milkshakes on me everyday. You know how much laundry I have to do?" He groaned in annoyance. "You don't get milkshakes thrown on you and you're the one that cheated. I'd never even talked to her before."

"Do you want me to go ask her to throw milkshakes on me to? Because I will if that will make you feel better." Nate spoke playfully, trying to hold back a laugh.

"No, it's okay but thanks for the offer." He leaned over and kissed his boyfriend. "That was really sweet of you."

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"Hey, Chuck. Do you know where Blair is?" Nate asked his best friend. "I need to have a chat with her about how she's treating my boyfriend."

Chuck widened his eyes. "You know if you talk to her about that it's just going to make it worse. You can't try to convince Blair not to do something."

"I have to try." Nate shrugged. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Blair walk into the school and he rushed over to her before she was surrounded by her friends. "Blair! Wait up." He called out to her.

She stopped when she heard him. "What do you want Nate?" Her tone was cold and her eyes were full or murder. They hadn't talked much since he broke up with her because he knew she hated him and he wasn't selfish enough to think he could still be her friend after what he had done.

"I know you hate me and you want to hurt me. So, please hurt me. Not [name]. I was the one that came onto him. I was the one that was in a relationship. I was the one that cheated. The only thing he did was fall in love with me. He doesn't deserve what you're doing to him." He said firmly.

"Are you kidding me? He does deserve it! He knew you were with me when he slept with you and he knew you were going to leave me for him! A good person wouldn't have done that so I'm not going to stop making his life miserable until he realises that the only way to get me to stop is staying away from you." She took a step closer. "This is how I'm hurting you Nate."

"Please don't do this Blair."

"Maybe you should have thought about this before you cheated on me." She sneered. "Enjoy your time with him while you can because sooner or later, I'll be the reason you lose him." She smirked and turned away. "Bye Nate."

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Nate sat in a stall in the bathroom, head in hands as anxiety and worry ran through his body. He didn't want to lose the guy he loved. A knock on the stall door broke him out of his thoughts. "Someone's in here."

"Yeah. I know. I saw you rush in here after talking to Blair." [name]'s voice answered back. "Wanna let me in?" He asked gently.

The door slowly opened and [name] walked into the cramped space, closing the door behind him. He put his hands on Nate's cheeks and lifted his head up. "What happened?"

"Blair happened. She just said somethings that cut deep. I should have expected it coming from her." He squeezed his eyes shut. "Are you going to break up with me because of her?"

"What? Where did you get that from?" [name] tilted his head in confusion. "Is that what she said she was trying to do?" He laughed at that. "Babe. I'm a tough guy and a few milkshakes and some rumours on gossip girl isn't going to do anything. I love you way too much to have someone else break us up."

Nate placed his hands over his boyfriends. "Really? Because if she becomes to much than... I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to-"

[name] put a finger of Nate's lips. "Shh. Blair isn't going to break us up. She's way to cocky if she thinks she can actually achieve that." Blair was officially on his bad side for making Nate feel this way. "Now I'm the one telling you to just ignore her. Have more confidence in me."

He went to kiss him but the toilet flushing in the stall next to him made him stop and he grimaced. "I forgot we were in the bathroom for a minute."

"Yeah and I heard everything you said!" A random male voice yelled out. "Thanks for keeping me entertained while I took a dump!" The bathroom door opened and closed.

"How romantic." He said and Nate laughed at that. "C'mon, I'll give you a kiss somewhere else." He grabbed Nate's hands and pulled him up. "Now turn that frown upside down and remember, Blair Waldorf will never break us."

★ ★ ★

Authors Note: See below!

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Consider supporting me on Patreon and/or following me on YouTube 💕 Links in my bio.

Hi everyone. The next imagine will be another gossip girl one and I could give a full list of the rest of the imagines but then the authors note would be pretty long. So, I'll just give the next five imagines.

1. Gossip Girl
2. My Hero Academia
3. Spider Man
4. Riverdale
5. Supernatural

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