The Wingman

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The next few days after that fateful night, were awkward to say the least. You couldn't even look at the couch, let alone Mark himself, without blushing like a teenager and running off in the other direction. The only upside for you, was that it kept you from thinking that you were the real reason as to why Mark and Nelyn broke up.

Mark on the other hand was going mental. He hadn't seen or spoken to you since that night and this was exactly what he was trying to avoid. He was already missing your presence which wasn't doing any favours for his feelings for you. They did say that absence makes the heart go fonder.

It was finally Wednesday, and Mark took his chance. It was movie night so he was going to ask you about it before you left the apartment, but you had mentioned that you had plans with Jaebeom. Another excuse. He wasn't going to let you get away with it this time.

Mark entered the lecture hall and spotted his target immediately. He sat himself down at the empty spot next to Jaebeom and turned to stare at him.

"Alright, what's with the stare?" Jaebeom asked.

"Have you got plans with her tonight?"

"Nah. I'm heading to the studio tonight. What's up?"

"She's avoiding me," Mark stated with a pout.

"Well, I would too if I came home and caught you doing the nasty."

Mark punched Jaebeom's arms playfully, "I'm trying to get rid of the awkwardness but she won't let me. I want to fix it. I want my roommate back."

"You owe me for this," Jaebeom shook his head. "Her class finishes at 12."

"Shit, we're here till 1. I'm gonna miss her again."

"Leave early," Jaebeom informed him. "I'll cover for you and send you my notes. Fix it so she'll stop ranting to me about it. I don't want to hear anymore about your escapades."

Mark laughed before clapping his friend on the back. He paid attention to the clock the whole time and when there were only ten minutes before your class finished, he excused himself to go and meet you.


You stuffed your books in your locker slowly, procrastinating as you tried to come up with ideas to pass the time tonight. You told Mark that you were hanging out with Jaebeom, completely forgetting that he had to be at the studio. Now you were out of options on what to do.

You were pulled out of your thoughts when your locker door suddenly slammed itself shut, causing you to jump backwards.

"Mark," you gasped. "Don't you have class? What are you doing here?"

Mark opted out of answering you and scoffed instead, before he grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the English building. You asked him a second time only to be faced with the silent treatment. You now know how determined Mark could be, so you didn't bother fighting him. All you knew was that you were heading well out of campus, after he quietly gestured for you to get in his car.

You weren't surprised to be back at your apartment. Mark quickly opened the door for you, before dragging you up to your abode. Once you've both entered the threshold, he manoeuvred you to sit on the couch.

"Okay, what's going on?" you finally asked him once you've settled on the couch, with him crouching in front of you.

"We're going to sit here and talk this through," Mark advised. "I'm done with you avoiding me. It makes me feel lonely in my own home and I hate it. I don't want to lose you over something so silly."

Taken aback by Mark's words, you didn't think he felt this way about the past few days, let alone your friendship. You didn't realise the consequences of your actions.

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