A Public Message

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The incumbent leadership of Pakistan under the command of PM Imran Khan has played its part well by employing diplomatic expertise in a true letter and spirit on the behalf of Kashmiris. It can be reflected in a book titled “Diplomacy” written by Henry Kissinger states “Intellectuals analyze the operations of international systems; statesmen build them”. It was the 74th United Nation General Assembly (UNGA) held on 27th September, 2019 in New York. After 1971, once again the world stage entailing all global leaders had been shaken with the fiery words of Khan. Unlike the previous bunch of Pakistani leaders, PM Imran was received with warm hands in every meeting which was a clear depiction of Pakistan’s crucial role in world affairs under his statesmanship.  It was Khan’s verbal masterpiece backed with eloquent and comprehensive approach of dealing hot issues primarily with his historic rival; India. The diplomatic maneuvers actively shown by Pakistan at a global forum are as similar as to get someone’s art acknowledged. However, the ultimate victory in grappling the mentioned challenges in a historic address is entirely dependent on Pakistan’s post speech analysis. In order to understand the importance of future consequences, it is ominous to visualize the crux of Prime Minister’s address:
Changing climate patterns and its aftermath
Money laundering and Financial Corruption
The existential threat of Islamophobia
The Indian ferocity in Kashmir

The test of Pakistan’s diplomatic professionalism has been initiated leaving a series of knotty questions for the state officialdom. Over the introductory point, which is of climate change, will Pakistan be able to convince the developed states on adopting a consented resolution? Will it be feasible for her to make other nations implementing the key features embedded in the Paris Accords? For me the answer could be yes provided that Pakistan has to project her negligible contribution of green house gas emission and its devastating impacts on the country through a detailed report. It must constitutes relevant facts and figures like Pakistan is among ten countries affected most by climate change according to the 2018 Global Climate Risk Index etc. mentored by the Ministry of Climate. With the provision of such calculated statistics, Pakistan can fight this case at global forum with a maximum probability of winning.
Coming over the second point, will Pakistan be able to hold talks with the Banking sector of those nations who are having active foreign currency accounts of Pakistani nationals? Moreover, will it be possible for her to hold talks over international law terms like Asylum and Extradition processes in order to investigate further in cases relating to money laundering? Will Pakistan be able to receive such political grants from the countries who have already given the nationality to the Pakistanis especially to those against whom the courts of Pakistan have already issued “Red Warrants”? The answer lies in the political maturity if uplifted by the present Federal Government. It will also count the ruling party’s effort to take opposition on board in this context. However, inefficacious governance may lead to political unrest in the country by failing to take oppositional parties in confidence.
Questionnaire regarding the third point is very crucial as Pakistan is having maximum percentage of emotional Muslims over moderate ones. It encompasses ambiguities like; will Pakistan act as a beacon to curtail the menace named as Islamophobia in the western societies? Will it take Ullama on a single platform regarding the Islamic interpretations without denying the fact that the home religious culture is having various sects? Will Pakistan be able to counter the existing threats of extremist militant outfits like ISIS, Al-Qaeda and TTP? Will it be able to assure the Western authorities like Financial Action Task Force (FATF) regarding a complete elimination of an alleged radicalization? The reply to all these questions is in the implementation and practice of religious tolerance. Pakistan’s efforts in winning the votes of all the Muslim states of OIC may turn the tables in her interest. A domain having the most public advocacy i.e. Ullama must ensure true interpretation of the Islamic Provisions regardless of any sect. The state must justify the detainment and outlawing of global militant outfits by asking the United Nations to send observer groups in this regard. The right wing political parties must halt the playing of “Religious Card” game at the cost of galvanizing the masses and fomenting hatred among the strata. Furthermore, our drowned youth in the emotional waters must need to understand the urgency of situation to swim back to the shores of benevolence by letting go the extreme doctrines.
The last agenda which holds an utmost priority in the foreign office of Pakistan is the Indian reactive aggression possibly to happen. It includes primary response from the government of Pakistan over certain hostile actions. For instance, what will happen next when the curfew is lifted in the Kashmir? What are the defense measures taken by Pakistan if a hot conventional war is waged after a long military standoff between the two nuclear states? What is the stance of Pakistan over the repeated Indian formula of “Blame Game” like Palwama episode? How will Pakistan react over the pro Indian speech being delivered by the Bangladeshi counterpart at UNGA? How will Pakistan respond if the US State department’s call for lifting of the curfew is being discarded by the India? In order to answer these probabilities, Pakistan has to maintain its diplomatic weight no matter how intense the international pressure will be by keep stressing the Indian oppression in Kashmir before the world leaders. On the other hand, there is a dire need of disaster management exercises in the country in the war like situation as of now. Moreover, India should not undermine her opponent’s retaliating capability again otherwise it will leave lethal impacts across the borders.
Pakistan has to win the trust of Bengalis by portraying evil designs of India in creating regional imbalance before them. The most imperative here will be the assistance provided by the Pakistani government to revive US-Taliban talks followed by the complete withdrawal of US troops. It will then open the doors of Intra-Afghan confabulation which will be beneficial for Pakistan in particular and the region in general. Adding more, Pakistan’s foreign office must mediate the rising escalation between the Saudi Arabia and Iran without affecting the Shia-Sunni sentiments. It can be done only if Pakistan will maintain the balanced approach between both the Muslim countries. 
It is high time for Pakistan to grab the title of victory on diplomatic grounds under such charismatic leadership in order to earn a tall standing in the comity of nations. With no doubt, Pakistan has the opportunity to revive the Quaid’s vision by resolving her external challenges, mediating the regional disputes and upholding the slogan of global peace. It is easier said than done but is not impossible as the success depends entirely on the expertise and assiduity of the foreign ministry and the security apparatus of Pakistan. Being proud citizens let us all pledge to get united for a common objective leading Pakistan on victorious rails by keeping its stature high.
Long Live PAKISTAN !!

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