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- Kristina's P.O.V. -

I learned how to control all of my powers. Father says I'm stronger than Slender now, but I don't care about power. I just want to live a happy, carefree life here at the mansion until it's my turn to rise to the thrown.

"Kristina, come here child." I hear Slender say from the living room. He's had me stay in my room all day, so I don't know what's going on.

I walk downstairs, and see everyone. They're all gathered around a HUGE cake with my name written in Black frosting on it.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" They all scream. I almost forgot, all the days blurr together.

"Thank you all!" I say as I jump down the rest of the stairs, into their open arms.

This is the life I was meant to live. Not with that abusive human, but here. With the freaks. The monsters. The demons. The ghosts.

- Slender's P.O.V. -

She looked so happy with everyone. This is the life she was meant to live. And you know what, it's the life I thought I'd never have a chance at. Making her comfortable here, helping her control her abilities, those are things I never thought I would to, well, anyone.

"Happy birthday child." I say. If I could, I'd be smiling right now. She brought happiness to this demon, a reason to kill the pitiful humans that overrun this planet. And you know what, I'm glad to be her betrothed.

{ A/N: For those of you who don't know, a betrothed is when parents force to royals/ lords to marry to keep the blood line 'pure'. Just your fact for the day!}

The Life of SlendermanWhere stories live. Discover now