Chapter One.

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(A/N Maisy calls Harry 'Daddy' and Louis 'Dad' most if the time she calls them by their names it's less confusing and easier for the story.)

"Maisy! Breakfast is ready!" Harry shouted from the kitchen. I got up off my desk chair and ran downstairs where my Dad's where. Louis was sitting at the table and Harry was placing the last plate of pancakes on the table, then took a seat diagonal from Louis. They're married shouldn't they sit together? I took a seat next to Harry and in front of Louis. I moved my chair over so I'm closer to Harry and he notices my actions, smiles at me then ruffles my unbrushed hair. Louis noticed us and sighed, eating his pancakes. I moved my plate over at stared at my pancakes. They had chocolate sauce on them.
"Good morning, Dad's" I said taking a forkful of my pancakes.
"Morning, Baby Girl" Harry said taking a bite if his pancake, sighing in delight.
"Go away, Maisy." Louis said taking another's forkful if his pancake.
"Louis!" Harry shouted kicking him under the table. "Don't speak to her like that!" He said, loudly. I silently kept eating my pancakes. I was hungry.
"She's annoying," Dad said shrugging.
"She's your daughter!" Harry said loudly again. He put his fork down on his plate and stopped eating his pancakes.
"Unfortunately," He mumbled. I could slowly feel my heart starting to break. Why does he hate me so much?
"What's your problem with her? You've hated her since she turned eight!" Harry shouted.
"She gets more attention from you than me! You never do anything with me anymore!" Louis screamed standing up. Daddy stood up to but he stood behind my chair with his hands on my shoulers, giving them a slight squeeze.
"She's our daughter, of course she's going to get more attention!" Daddy screamed. "This is all about you jealousy!" Daddy screamed again. I hate when they argue, one of them ends up leaving. Mostly Daddy, he's sensitive. I stood up from my chair and hugged Daddy. He looked so hurt.
"You know, I wish she wasn't born!" Louis screamed, his face was bright red.
"How dare you-" I didn't hear what else my Daddy was shouting because I ran up to my room. I locked my door and stripped down from my pyjamas. I put on some black leggings and a cute top with my pink Vans, Louis got me them. I put my hair in a messy bun and lay on my bed. I could still hear then screaming at each other. I slowly started to cry thinking about all the things Louis said about me. Does he really regret me being born? I need to talk to Uncle Zayn. I got up off my bed and walked over to my window. Slowly, I opened it and slipped through the gap. Uncle Zayn only lives a few blocks away so I started running as fast as I could. I finally made it to Uncle Zayn's house and knocked on the door lots of times until he answered. I was still sobbing.
"Maisy? Come on in," He said taking my hand and bringing me inside. He closed the front door and led me to the living room. I saw Perrie, his girlfriend, sitting on the sofa giving me an sympathetic smile. I just half smiled back. Uncle Zayn led me over to the sofa and I sat down between him and Perrie. Perrie was slowly rubbing small circles onto my back while Uncle Zayn had his arm around my shoulder.
"What happened, Maisy?" Perrie asked.
"They were arguing, Louis said he wishes I wasn't born," I said sniffling. Uncle Zayn gasped.
"That doesn't sound like Louis," He said shaking his head disapprovingly. I cuddled into Uncle Zayn more.
"He doesn't want me," I mumbled burying my head into Uncle Zayn's chest.
"He does, he's just jealous," Uncle Zayn said. I nodded and lay my head on his lap and I could slowly feel myself drifting off to sleep.

After Louis said he wished Maisy wasn't born and I screamed at him. He hit me, on the cheek. After he hit me he just stared at his hand, like he was shocked. In our years of dating and marriage he has never hit me before. I ran upstairs to get Maisy but her bedroom door was locked.
"Maisy!" I shouted through her bedroom door. I couldn't hear any movement. I ran into Louis and I's room and grabbed one of Maisy's hair grips. I ran back to Maisy's room and put the hair grip into the lock. After turning it a few times it finally opened. I looked around the room but she wasn't here. Maisy's gone. Maybe she's at one of the boys house's. I will check Liam's first. I ran back downstairs and Louis was standing at the door with his arms crossed. I grabbed my car keys out of the drawer and tried to open the front door. It wouldn't budge.
"Louis, please move." I begged.
"No, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it" He said.
"Louis, now isn't the time, move!" I shouted the last part.
"No, you're not letting me apologise." He said, still standing in front of the door. I've had enough of him. I ran through the living room and into the kitchen. I unlocked the back door and ran to my car. I put the keys in and waited for my Range Rover to start. As soon as it started I speeded my way through the streets until I reached Liam's house. I stopped the car and jumped out I it, leaving it running. I knocked on Liam's door until he answered.
"Harry? What's up, mate?" He answered the door sleepily.
"Is Maisy here?" I asked quickly.
"No, I just woke up, nobody's came" Liam said.
"Okay, bye!" I shouted running back to my car. I hopped in and speeded my way to Niall's. They all live quite close together so I got there quickly. I parked my car in his driveway and jumped out of it, leaving it running again. I knocked in his door lots of times until he answered.
"Is Maisy here?" I asked getting straight to the point. He looked shocked that I've lost her. I'm so disappointed in myself. How could I loose my own daughter.
I speeded my way to Zayn's again. I parked my car in his driveway and switched the engine off, I walked up his sidewalk and knocked on his door. He finally answered an he looked quite surprised to see me.
"Is Maisy here?" I asked quickly and hopefully.
"Yeah, come in" He said closing the door after I stepped in. I walked into his living room to see Maisy cuddling into Perrie. Her eyes were red and puffy. From crying, I guess. I ran up to her and picked her up. Pushing her small body against mine, to show that I'm never going to let her get away again.
"Daddy?" She asked. Her voice was croaky.
"Yeah, Baby, it's Daddy" I mumbled kissing her head multiple times. I finally set her back down again and looked up at Zayn and Perrie. They gasped at me.
"What's the matter?" I asked worryingly.
"Your cheek," Zayn said, pointing at my cheek.
"Louis hit me," I stated. "Quite hard" I mumbled. Zayn and Perrie looked shocked that Louis would do such a thing.
"You have been with him since you were 16 and he hit you!" Zayn announced. "I'm gonna beat the crap out of him!" Zayn shouted, he seemed pretty upset that Louis would hit me. Maisy came up next to me and started cuddling my torso. I think she's tired. You know, she's 13 but acts like a 4 year old. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and cuddled her sideways.
"There's no need to beat him up. He was just upset that Maisy got more attention from me that's him" I explained. I looked at the time on my watch and it was 4:37pm. Wow, the day has went quite fast.
"We really need to get going, Maisy has school tomorrow" I said giving Perrie a hug and Zayn a man hug. I let Maisy say goodbye to them to then we got in my Range Rover.
"I'm sorry, Baby" I said rubbing her knee. "I'm sorry for scary you and for you leaving" I said starting the car.
"It's okay, Daddy" She said, smiling at me.
"How about we go to McDonalds, to make up for it?" I asked, I know it's really unhealthy but it will cheer her up.
"Yes!" She shouted happily. I love seeing my daughter happy. McDonalds was only 15minutes from Zayn's house so we got there quite quick. I drove around the parking lot trying to find a space, I finally found one and parked in it. I turned the engine off and stepped out of the car, Maisy following. I grabbed her hand as we walked into McDonalds. Hopefully no screaming teenage girls were in there. I wanna at least spend a day with my daughter without getting harassed. I do love our fans, but sometimes they get a little out of hand. And Maisy doesn't like loud noises so it scares her. We waited in the line.
"Maisy, do you want a Happy Meal?" I asked her, smiling.
"Yeah!" she said happily.
"Strawberry milkshake?" I asked raising my eyebrow and smiling.
"Yeah!" She said again. We walked forward a little until it was our turn to be served. The girl that was serving us looked about nineteen maybe. I quickly read her name tag and her name is Aaliyah.
"A-are you Harry Styles?" She asked, nervously.
"Yeah, keep quiet please" I asked poiltely.
"What can I get you?" She asked, smiling.
"A Happy Meal, with Strawberry milkshake and a cheeseburger, please" I said smiling at her. She told me how much I had to pay and I gave her the right amount with a tip. I took my daughters hand and walked out of McDonalds, to the car. I closed her door then walked over to my side and stepped in. I buckled myself in the put the keys in the car. I gave Maisy her meal and milkshake then put my cheeseburger on the divider. I started the car and slowly drove back home. Maisy was gulping down her milkshake and eating her burger. I started eating my burger too, being careful not to get pulled over. I decided to drive around the block a few times because I'm not ready to face Louis just yet.
"You alright, Maisy?" I asked her, smiling. She swallowed her burger before she answered.
"Yeah, just tired" She said, yawning. "We have been driving around the block for 20minutes, Dad" She said, giggling.
"Oh." I finally drive into our driveway, collect all the rubbish except Maisy's milkshake, which she is still drinking. I unbuckled her then stepped out, walked around to her side and opened the door for her. We walked up our driveway and I couldn't see any lights on. Only a little light from the living room which must be the television. Maisy ran inside while I sat on our bench. Thinking. How would Louis react? Will he hit me again? Or Maisy? Hopefully he will be alright now.

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