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Voldemort smiled when he heard the news. The old man was dead. There was no one who could match his power or strength. He had the banshee. The girl was finally in his grasp and it was only a matter of time before Harry Potter would be dead.

Two of the people who could thwart his plans were taken care of and the boy was all that was left. 

"So banshee, what does death have in store for Harry Potter?" Voldemort turned to the silent Calliope. The imperious curse that Bellatrix had placed on her had been lifted, but the silencing charm was still in effect. Wandless and voiceless, all Calliope could do was stand there. "Why do you not answer me halfbreed?"

Calliope spat at him. 

Voldemort seethed in rage, "tell me banshee how will I kill Harry Potter?"

"My Lord I have placed a silencing charm upon her," said Bellatrix.

Voldemort held Calliope's gaze for a moment longer, "put her somewhere."

"In the dungeon?" Bellatrix asked, "with the wandmaker?"

"No, put her somewhere else," said Voldemort. He looked Calliope up and down. "This girl is more powerful than she seems. If she is allowed to escape those at fault will suffer my extreme displeasure."

"Draco put the girl in the pantry," Bellatrix told her nephew, she turned back to Voldemort, "we will keep her close at all times, my Lord."

Calliope was dragged away by Draco Malfoy. She kept her eyes fixed on Voldemort, which seemed to aggravate him even more.

"You may do as you will with her," said Voldemort, "but do not kill her."

Draco dragged her around the corner and thrust her into a cupboard which was filled with food. She wanted to go and see Fred, but she feared that Voldemort would come back at any moment so she couldn't risk it.

So much had happened in such little time. Dumbledore was dead. She was captured. How would the resistance against Voldemort continue without Dumbledore? Voldemort could not be killed by Harry as Harry had to die, so who else would do it? How many fragments of his soul had Voldemort hidden? 

The whispers had told her much, and the Horcruxes were part of this. Voldemort had temporarily thwarted death and he intended to keep it that way. Calliope was not going to help him do this.


Fred sat in the corner of the hospital wing as everyone retold the events of the night. The bond had come alive again not long after Calliope had been taken, but she hadn't appeared in her astral form to him yet. His only comfort was that she wasn't in pain.

Harry left with McGonagall and the group fell silent.

Natalie made her way across the room to Fred and put an arm around his shoulders.  

"She'll be fine, we'll get her back, just like she got you back," Natalie said.

"How?" Fred asked, "I'm not Callie, I can't go storming into the Death Eater's headquarters and get out alive, the only person who could help her right now is Dumbledore and he's dead."  

Natalie said nothing, she was worried about her friend, but she had to comfort Fred who would soon begin feeling awful without Calliope. 


"Why did you not bring the guardian as well Bellatrix?" Voldemort demanded as Calliope was taken away by Malfoy. 

"I did not think he was necessary My Lord,"  said Bellatrix.

"Retrieve him for me, if we have him she will tell us everything," Voldemort said, "the banshee is the key to defeating Harry Potter, so do not waste any time."

"I will take care of it myself My Lord," Bellatrix replied, "We will capture him at the first possible opportunity."

Fun Fact:
Natalie is 20 years younger than her brother. Her oldest nephew was in his second year of Hogwarts when she left. 

I'm gonna make this a thing now because I like sharing the random tidbits that I write as memos for myself and help make the characters more real :) 

How do you guys think Callie is going to get out of this one?
Remember to vote, comment and not murder me!

~Em xx

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