chapter 1

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Before you you start reading theirs a few things I want to put out there

-pls don't copy my book, since its the first book I've ever written and its very important to me☺️

- if  the first few chapters dnot attract u that much, pls don't give up on it cuz a lot of interesting and romantic parts will come up

-and that's pretty much it so.... Enjoy.


Books check

Pencils and pens check

Notepad check

Phone check

Money check

I see that every thing I need for school is in my bag as I check them for the 5th time now.

I'm just so exited that it's the first day of school that I don't wanna go unprepared because that would just be so embarrassing.

I tuck the hem of my plane purple shirt inside my boyfriend jeans and adjust my ponytail as I look at the mirror..... I can't believe its my first day of school.

And when I mean my first day of school I mean... Ever.

You see I grew up in LA and my entire 17 and a half Years of life I've been homeschooled by my parents.... Ya I know it sucks.

My my dad was homeschooled his entire life too until he went to college which is where he meet my mom. my dad isn't the only one who was homeschooled in his family, so were his siblings, dads mom and so on..... Its sort of a tradition now I guess. But the reason they did that is because they thought it makes you more smarter which I think is true since both my parents are one of the best doctors in the city.

So you could imagine how much they expect from me, which is basically to be just like them and the rest of my family.

I don't exactly mind since I have the grades for it and seeing my parents save lives everyday adds to the motivation but I just wish they at least gave me an option.

Not my parents..... My grandparents.

They are so head bent on having a perfect reputation and a long line of doctors in our family that it basically becomes a no brainier when it comes to the kind of career you'll have.

But since I've been assured to be a doctor my entire live I don't Really think about being anything else ....

....It's probably because all I think about is going to school and being an ordinary teenager.

After I turned 17 all I've been doing is begging my parents to let me join school.But to my dismay they refused as soon as those words left my mouth.

But that obviously didn't make me stop as I begged and nagged and begged and nagged for months but what they did was
Ignore me and all my effort in my pleas so I had no choice.

No, I did not run away.... Instead I just gave then the silent treatment which almost, almost worked....well until it didn't and they just wanted to torture me by giving me the slightest hope and squashing it.

So when my parents told me they were assigned to transfer to Atlanta I took it as a opportunity to make one of my dreams come true.

I told them that I would only be going on one condition.... Which they already knew what is was cause I've been asking them for months, and if they refused I would be staying here with my dog max, with absolutely nothing.

I know it was a crazy stupid idea but what was more crazy is that they agreed to let me go to school. So here I am now getting ready for it.


When I get in the back seat of my parents car, that's when it hit me.

Wow I actually did it, I actually convinced my parents to let me attend highschool at my senior year.

This feels like such an achievement to me that I can't help but feel so proud of myself.

I wonder what my grandparents are gonna say when they hear about this because clearly if they had they would have called my dad immediately to scold him for not just agreeing but for even thinking that it could be a possibility for me to go here.

God I just wish my grandparents would stop being so strict all the time.... They're like the grumpy guy from despicable me accept they don't become fun instead they get more grumpy and sometimes I doubt that they ever were  teenagers or even a child because all my life they've been all about controlling this and controlling that.

But at least my grandpa is better compared to my grandma.... He's actually nothing compared to my grandma.... Cause i love her and all but she's next level of controlling.

"Tina honey were almost there so I want you to make sure you have your cell phone on so I could check up on you" my mom says from the passenger seat.

"Please mom no, I'll have my cell phone on but know that if u call me to check up on me know that I'll hang up" I tell her hoping she hadn't meant what she said.

"But what if some thing happens to you"

"Mom I love you and all, but please remember that I am not 5 years old"

"But..." She starts to say but my dad cuts her off before she could continue.

"Sweety leave her alone, she'll be fine and there's nothing to worry about okay" he looks at me from the rear view mirror and gives me a wink and I smile back.

As I watch the kids pass by I can't help but be nervous.... What if I don't fit in

What if they find me weird cause I've been homeschooled all my life..

Or what if there will be those mean girls that embarrass you if they don't like you.... What if the entire school is full of those mean girls

Or worst of all what if the school is cursed or hunted

Pshh no way, my dad is  probably right and I'm gonna be fine... I'm trusting his genius brain cells for now.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as I feel the car park and next thing I know I hop out of the car after I thanked my parents for wishing me good luck.

After I wave off my parents one last time they leave and i take a deep breath and start walking to the doors.

Here goes nothing...


I hope u liked the first chapter, so if u did pls feel free to vote and comment

the first chapter might seem a little boring butttt trust me its gonna get very interesting and there will be a lot of fun and romantic scenes coming up.

Tnx for reading😘

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