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Present Day


Caden sat up in bed, his hand clutching his chest as if a real physical pain had taken hold. That must have been a memory, because no dream could hurt that much. He had clearly had a thing for that guy James, but he couldn't really understand how James felt about it. At first he had thought he would be mad, but then he had kissed him. Even though he didn't have a lifetime of memories to accompany these ones, he knew that it had been his first kiss. He had been terrified, and ecstatic, but then just as quickly as the happiness had come, it had been broken into a thousand pieces. He glared over at the notebook and the image of the eyes hidden inside.

He was hesitant to return to sleep, but he had asked for this. He couldn't really change his mind now that the memories were less than pleasant.


6 years earlier

A few days had passed since his surprise first kiss and subsequent heart break. He'd been avoiding James and his friends ever since. He had finally managed to convince himself that the kiss had meant nothing when he found himself cornered in the bathroom by James. He'd always been a bit gun shy about peeing in public, so he used a stall whenever possible. He was just stepping out of the stall when he came face to face with the boy who'd been haunting his every waking thought. James grinned at him and then, after looking around the room to make sure noone was watching, he pushed Caden back into the stall, following closely behind, and closed and locked the door behind him.

Cade opened his mouth to protest, but his words were cut off mid sentence by James tongue thrusting into his mouth. Startled, he tried to push the older boy away, but the athlete was much bigger and stronger, so Caden couldn't budge him. When James finally broke the kiss to breathe, Caden tried to stutter out an objection, but James put his hand over Cade's mouth.

"You like me, right?" he whispered.

Caden knew there was no point in lying now, so he nodded.

James grinned, "Good. Because I'm enjoying myself." He smirked, "don't try to talk to me out there, I won't acknowledge you. If I decide I want to do this again, I'll come find you."

Caden knew he should argue. He was essentially being used for the older boy's entertainment. But he couldn't bring himself to object. Ever since the locker room, he had craved the other boy's kiss, and this way at least he'd experience it, even if the circumstances were less than ideal.


Present day

Chris knew he shouldn't, but after his failed vent session at the archery range, he just needed the solace that only came in the presence of one person, Caden. He snuck into the hospital room and softly shut the door. He would have locked it if he could, just to keep the rest of the world out. He stepped up to the bed and saw that Caden was sound asleep. He sat down beside the bed, not wanting to disturb the other boy, but not quite ready to leave again. Upon closer inspection, he could see the tension in Cade's sleeping expression.

He worried about what Caden might be dreaming about, but he was afraid to wake him, for fear he would be thrown out. He gently slipped his hand into the other boy's in hopes that his presence may serve as a minor comfort.


6 years earlier

The secret rendezvous with James came sporadically and without warning. A part of him thrilled each time James pulled him into a storage closet or bathroom stall. With each meet up, the older boy had seemed to want more from him; longer, deeper kisses, caresses, and more.

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