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Some of y'all may already know.. but I'll just say it now.

I have a twin brother. And two older brothers. Idk if I should tell you their names but.. I learnt to be pretty rough growing up 😂 yes, I am a living fanfic.

My mom and dad are on business trips most of the time so.. we rich rich 😙🤚🏼

Yes, my bathroom is tOo OvErSiZeD according to my bff. 😽😽

So yeah.. weird flex but okay.. my bathroom is the size of my friends living room. 🤪🤪 that's just an exaggeration.. anyway.. my twin and I are like.. 🤞🏼

But I fucking hate him 🥰🥰 in a good way. 😂

He's older 🙄 but I'm smarter 🙃

My other brothers.. their something alright. 😅

It also gets annoying because well..  all my brothers are over protective.. so like- no boyfriends 'till I'm married 😙

Also I hate this because I get asked it a lot. My sexuality? I'm as straight as a fucking ruler. The only thing is that I call my friends babe and I compliment girls like I'm freaking gay. 🤪

But no, I'm straight. Sorry ladies 🙈

I'm literally the only person with a perfect family. 😂 my dad is funny, my mom is caring, my brothers love me, we eat dinner together like- why does everyone's dad leave? 😂 I'm sorry.. that's not something I should be joking about..

But fr, I feel like I'm the only one that has a nice life 😂

I have a crush.. he's so hot. His names SHREK. 🤤🤤🤤

Jk jk jk.. I actually have a crush and he's tall and has brown hair and.. he gave me his hoodie in class last week :)))

( don't tell my. Brothers) 😂

Em.. oh yeah! I have a dog named Cherry. She's a cutieee! 🥺🥺🥺
She's a German Shepherd. But she's a harmless sweetie.

She's really lazy 😂 she barks when someone's at the door and- she- 🥺🥺 she used to protect me at night when I was a baby. Like when my twin an I were born, we had our own baby room. And Cherry would sit at the front of our room door and protect us. It's was so adorable. But she stopped when we turned 6.😑

Sometimes I bring her into my room when I'm bored and play with her 😂 she hates thunder 🥺 but she protects me, I protect her. 😂

Other than that..Em yeah.. I'm boring so bye.

Mother trucker! That hurt like a butt cheek on a stick! (Sorry, I just quote vines sometimes)

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