A Choice

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My mind went into an all out war. One side just wanted to hang up and never think about this again. Another side wanted scream and cry and apologize til the end of time. I sat in silence pondering my options.

"Ar...are you there?" the voice asked.

"Don't say anything. Just hang up." a voice in my head told me.

"Yes." I replied tentatively.

"What are you doing?!" screamed the voice in my head. "JUST. HANG. UP!"

"No. Now leave me alone." I thought to myself.

The voice on the other end of the phone call had been silent for quite a long time.

"Hello?" I asked quietly.

"I'm sorry." said the voice. "I didn't think this through like I thought I had. Maybe I should go."

I wanted to yell, to ask him to stay, but I said nothing. I knew this person, he would make up his mind on his own.

"No. I need to do this. Ahem, Human! I need your help."

I was dumbfounded. Him? Asking me, of all people, for help? He really must have lost his mind.

"Maybe I'm responsible for that." I frowned.

A confused "What?" was all I could get out.

"Yes. It may come as a shock to you, especially after what you did but the Underground is in dire need and I think you are the only one who can help us." he explained.

I almost dropped the phone on the floor I was so surprised.

"You want me to...to..."

"Come back to the Underground." finished the voice.

"I... I..." I stuttered. "I can't..."

The voice was silent. I felt a strong urge to explain but all I did was spill my guts to him.

"I don't deserve to come back. And to be honest I don't want to come back. Everything I did to you and the other monsters haunts me every day. If I go back it feels like you have forgiven me and I know you haven't and... and..." I stopped, and started to cry.

"This is not how I wanted this to go." I thought.

In my sobs the only thing I could say was "I'm sorry, so sorry". The voice stayed silent, he let me cry until I couldn't cry anymore. Then when I stopped he spoke.

"Human," he started. "I... I must confess. I have had a difficult time forgiving you but we must move past our pasts and think about the future. Of the Underground. That did not come out the way I had hoped. Um."

"I think I get it." I sniffled.

"Right, so will you help us?"

I didn't know at the moment. I still just wanted to say no. I never wanted to go back, I didn't want any of the memories that came with my time there. But how could I say no to him? I was the one who caused him grief before, how could I do it again? How dare I do it again. I had to say yes, to prove myself, to maybe earn his forgiveness.

"I have to think about it." I replied.

"Oh." said he. He sounded upset.

"No!" I thought.

"But I might! I mean I want to but if I disappear again, my parents will go crazy. Give me a day to figure this out."

"Great!" He yelled into the phone. I liked the way he rolled his "r" but my ears did not like how loud it came out of the receiver. "Meet me by the Mountain tomorrow!" he said.

"But wait! How are you alive and..."

Then then phone went 'click' and he was gone.

"...how are there more."

I sat at my desk in my room holding that phone for the longest time. Thinking about what I was going to do about this situation. Should I stay? Should I go? Should I tell my parents? Should I leave them in the dark? I still hadn't told them about my time in the Underground, it still hurt for me, so they had no idea what was wrong with me or what I did down there.

"Do I stay or do I go?" I pondered.

"You should stay." said the voice in my head.

"Why? Why should I stay? There is nothing for me up here anymore. My life is a mess and maybe I can fix what's going on down in the Underground." I reasoned with myself.

"Na. You would just make a bigger mess. They don't need you." It sneered.


"You know he's probably just luring you down there to kill you for all the bad things you did. There is probably nothing wrong down there, it's all fine and dandy."

"Hey, how do you know there are monsters still in the Underground?"

"There aren't. You should just let the past go and move on."

"You know what? Go away! I don't need you."

"Ah but you do. Besides, it's your fault I'm here."

"Grrrr.... No. I don't. I'm going and you can't stop me."

"But I can and I won't let you."

This went on for about three hours but I didn't care. I needed to decide what I was going to do. My parents were already home from whatever they were doing but I stayed in my room making plans and arguing with myself. The argument finally came to a stand-still. Team "I should stay" and Team "I should go" had butted heads long enough. One had to come out on top. Guess who won?

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