Chapter 2

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We are slowly driving down his street, and then I see his mom standing on their porch with his sisters. My heart is beating so fast it’s not even funny. My dad pulls into the driveway and shuts off the car. He comes out and in that moment I knew. I knew my life was going to change. He smiled then walked back into the house, he’s nervous. One of his sisters goes in and gets him, my mom and dad get out of the car and I’m still sitting in the middle seat freaking out, not getting out of the car. I keep taking deep breaths and can’t stop smiling. He smiles at me and walks to my door, my mom’s window are down, and I’m on the passenger side. He looks at me with that melting smile.

“Well are you going to get out?” he asks me.

I shake my head. “No.”

*he opens my door*

“Come here”

*I slowly scooch out of the car and right into his arms*

Now just to let you know, he’s 6 2 and I’m 5 2 and a quarter.

*He wraps his arms around me tightly and I wrap my arms around him tightly as well and it’s instant*

He’s the one.

The feelings, the butterflies, the warm fuzzy feeling, everything was 10 times as worse as I ever thought it could be. He made me feel complete. The fact that after a long almost 3 years together, I am finally in his arms, safe and loved means the world to me. As we hug, my sunglasses are in the wrong position and with his strong body against mine, it pushes my sun glasses into my head, but I don’t say anything because I didn’t want to ruin this perfect moment.

We hug for five minutes just whispering to each other, and his mom walks over.

“Aaawwee” she says to us smiling and I just snuggle up in his arm more, inhaling his sent.

We finally pull apart and hold hands and walk into his house, he let’s go of my hand and has me and my mom sit on the couch and we talk to his mom and four sisters.

Kit and my dad go outside and talk about his truck, I could tell he was nervous because he just kept smiling and talking and looking at me but not for long because I would catch him looking at me and then goes and shy’s away. They go outside and his sisters keep giving us their kittens they have and just asking questions. His one sister tells me I’m pretty and I smiled and told her thank you.

After about an hour and half of talking, we decide to go get something for dinner because we haven’t ate since the small breakfast. He ends up going with us to dinner and just so happy.

“Sonic” my dad says.

I roll my eyes, “Yep that’s the only thing he has been thinking about is Sonic.”

“You guys don’t have Sonic up there?” Kit asks

“Nope, we didn’t even start seeing a Sonic until we hit Missouri” I tell him

“Oh wow” he says.

It’s a little bit awkward between us, I’m sitting on the left and he’s sitting on the right, with our hands in the middle.

We pull up to Sonic, at one of their menus, and my parents are looking at the menu and Kit leans over the middle and plays with my hand, softly kissing it, and I just melt. His hands are so soft and big, when mine are so small. I’m trying to look at the menu and my heart is pounding out of my chest, he has got butterflies flying all around in my tummy. He keeps looking up at me and kissing my hand and playing with the lines on them. He tells my mom his order then goes and intertwines our fingers. I have never ever had before when our hands perfectly fits together. There’s no need to hold on, like most people do, it’s like our hands were made for each other’s. Two puzzle pieces that no other piece could be matched with.

Our food came out, and we started eating in the car, it didn’t work out to well.

*Kit gets out of the car*

“Where are you going????” I ask him

“I’m going to sit down at the table.”

“Oh ok.”

We end up all getting out and walking over to a table. These tables aren’t the biggest either. They were small and circular and had five very small seats that where like benches. We each sat on one, Kit sat next to me and we kept our legs touching one another.

The feelings, just with that one touch, set me on fire.

He got up to order him a coffee and then came back and sat down, and once again, I was on fire.

We finished eating, and then we ended up going to the lake.

*At the Lake*

He got out first, and then I got out. Everyone started walking, because we had to park in the parking lot, and it was a little walk to get to the actual lake. I’m walking fast and mom, dad, and Kit where all walking together slowly. I got to the side of the lake and waited for them to catch up with me. I looked out at the water still not able to gather that we were actually here. Kit came up to me and we started talking, I wanted to go in, but he said not to it wasn’t aloud.

After walking on the edge for a few minutes we walked to a picnic table and sat down.

*me walking over to the side with my mom*

“There’s a big spider web, I can’t sit here” I walked away

“Come sit over here with me and dad” Kit sad, Kit calls my parents mom and dad.

*I walk over to sit between them and our legs were touching again and god he sat me on fire again*

It’s so hard to talk to him, I’m so nervous; I can’t look at him for a long time because the way he sets me off, it’s hard, but so easy. He completely clears my mind and thoughts. I don’t even think, nothing has gone through my mind since the moment I hugged him. My mind is completely blank. You wouldn’t believe me until you have felt what I have felt. Once you find your soul mate, your true love, and love them so much it hurts, and makes you cry the moment you think about that person and what they do to you, you will understand this feeling. I love him. And this week, I get to show him along with telling him, you can tell someone you love them, but showing them actually makes the love mean something way more than you could ever think. I love him so much, and from the moment I saw him, I knew that I was going to fight for him, and never let him go, even if he decided one day to give up on us and quit.

He gets up from beside me and wants to show me how to skip rocks. I don’t know how to do it, I never even practiced before.

*he bends down and picks up a rock then throws it, it’s perfect*

“You try baby” he says

*I pick up a rock and do what he did…yea nothing, its sinks, I start laughing*

“I told you I can’t do this”

“No you need to get a flat rock” he bends down and gets a flat one, and throws it again.

*it skips again perfectly*

“Okay, it’s not going to work though” I get one and try it again, doing what he does.


“Baby, like this* he gestures what to do

“I’m doing it and it’s not working”

*He walks over, picks up a rock, then comes behind me and grabs my hand and motions what to do, his breath brushing against my neck, melting me. He throws it with me and it still doesn’t work”

“I told you, I give up”

“You just got to work at it”

We start walking back up to the picnic table then decide to head back to his house so he can get his clothes, and we can go back to the hotel.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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