Chapter 13

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Jennie’s POV:

It took us a minute or two before realizing what’s about to happen next. As if communicating, Irene, Rose, Jisoo and I got on our feet quickly to follow them but when we got out of the café, they were no longer in sight.

“This is not good! We need to stop them!” Jisoo said panicking as we walk hastily back to school.

“Jackson was fuming mad. I don’t think he’s gonna hold back on your ex.” Irene added panting.

It’s Lisa I’m more worried about. I saw nothing in her eyes the whole time I was talking. She didn’t even look mad and it scared me more because I couldn’t tell what she was thinking.

Worry was already eating us up because we know those idiots. They may not be the type of friends you go to for advice but they’re the type of friends who’ll protect you no matter what. They don’t usually go on fights, they don’t even like fighting but this for sure is an exemption.

We reached the school’s parking lot to see them quickly getting in to Lisa’s car and we tried to go after them, but they drove off fast. We don’t know where the hell they’re going or how we can even follow them. Aish!

“Damn you Seulgi pickup!” Irene exclaimed annoyed, trying to contact her girlfriend.

“Bam’s also not picking up and he’s the collected one.” Jisoo said.

We’ve tried contacting the four a few more times but no luck. Jackson’s phone was out of reach while Lisa was also not answering my calls. I ran my fingers along my hair in frustration, getting anxious with every minute that’s passing by.

“This is hopeless! Maybe we should check Kai’s house?” Rose suggested.

“I haven’t been to his house yet, so I don’t know...” I admitted.

“Is there a place you think he’d be right now? For sure they’re heading to wherever he is.” Jisoo asked and I thought about it. There’s only one place that I could think of, the bowling alley is where he and his friends usually hangout although I don’t think the guys know that, but we have to check.

“Let’s try the bowling alley, it’s where he usually hangout.” I said, already making my way to the side of the road to hail a cab.

I was jittery the whole cab ride that Rose had to place her hands on my shoulder to keep me still. She gave me a reassuring smile that I tried my best to reflect but in all honest, I can’t. If something bad happened to them it’ll be all because me. If only I’d listen to Lisa or just took off when he started being a jackass, then we wouldn’t be in this situation. I just hope my friends are okay.

We spotted Lisa’s empty car on the parking lot and I felt a bit relieved because at least we’ve found them. We ran towards her car to see if they’re nearby when we heard multiples crashing sounds and my stomach turns with what I was witnessing.

From a far, we see Bam and Suho exchanging blows, Seulgi dragging Kristal by the arm who keeps on trying to free herself to ran towards the fight, Lisa pinning a scuffling Kai on his car and Jackson smashing Suho’s car with a bat.

They suddenly stopped when Suho started speaking and every word that came out of his mouth felt like a stab to my heart. I didn’t deserve to be played like that, no one deserves that. A small part of me is actually glad that my friends are doing this for me because fuck them. I didn’t even realize that I was crying until I felt the girls holding me and giving me sympathetic looks.

Our attention was brought back when Bam landed another punch on Suho’s face before he could even finish. I shift my sight towards Lisa who was slowly dragging her eyes back to Kai. Still no expression can be found on her face which made me think that she was already gonna let him go but I was wrong.

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