Chapter 31

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~ End of flashback ~

We were standing just right outside James door when we heard shoutings.

" dad?!! It wouldn't hurt if I went on a date for once"

" who arranged that?"

" Jason -"

" let me stop you right there. Are you aware what Jason does for a living?"

She was quite.

" so no means a big no"

The door opened facing a crying Emy.
Her eyes were blood shot and she was still crying from previously.

I took her by her arm and walked inside her dad's office being followed by summer.

" it wouldn't hurt if she just went on a date with him, I know the guy and I think you'd know better" I look at her.
" what's better, here dating one of my men and my friends that I know for my entire life or someone who would break her heart and be useless?" I asked, letting got of her arm.

" Jason, you're my patient, im not asking you I'm ordering you to stay out of it " he calmly sujested before he sat down.
" and plus, knowing what you went through, you must remember at least what happened two years ago when you tried protecting your own wife from your disaster " he protested, handing me a paper.

" this is summer's medical record, please take your take reading it while I examine her " he walked taking summer's hand and walking out.

" I really started liking him a bit " I heard her say , sobbing.

" don't worry, you will see him"

" what? But my dad-"

" do you know me or have you just heard of me?" I raise a brow.

" but, what if he caught me thought"

" I told the boy you both were going out and he was about to leave earth for you. Didn't know two days would make both of you bond to each other" I exclaimed with a chuckle.

" well, we've talked more than that" she was giggling.

" anyway, I have already planned everything" I winked back at her before stepping closer to his desk, grabbing the file.


" Rayan, are you ready?"

"dude, whe- oh!".

He came rushing through the door, wearing his clothes all set and ready.

" where did you come from" Kay asked, with smile realizing that he himself have been waiting for them.

"I was outside, waiting for you" he pointed toward his car.

"okay, I'll go first, and when I'm set I'll call you"  she walks up to her car but I suddenly stop her from her waist.

Giving her a long passionate kiss.
" I will miss you so much" I mumbled, kissing her noise.

" it's going to be for four hours. I'll be back before you even know it" she winked peeking MY lips, then going inside her car.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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