Meet & Greet

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This one is pretty long my bad I didn't meant to but I didn't know when to stop it soooo yeah sorry for how long but enjoy regardless:)

Y/n's POV

"You can go ahead in front of me." "Are you sure?" I reassure the two girls that just got in line behind me that it's fine with me. "You want to be last?" The one with a blohsh beanie asked me. "Oh I'm just uh a bit nervous." I don't regret buying meet and great but I didn't know how nervous I'd be.

It looks like everyone who has m&g tickets are all here and I made sure to be at the very end. Billie isn't even in the room yet and I'm acting like this.

Next thing you know people start gasping, squealing, and screaming not loud by just enough to show their excitement. I look to the door and there she is. She's staring at the line but as she walks to her spot in the front she stares in my direction for a while. "Oh my god!! She was totally looking at you!" The girl next to me said. What? She was looking in this direction and I happen to be here. "Are you sure? She could've been looking at you." I doubt she would even give me a second glance. "I mean I wish but I definitely saw her stare at you. Hard." I laugh it off.

It's been 30 minutes and there's now 5 people ahead of me. I'm close to her. To someone I've supported for a year now, and now I'm finally meeting her. I've been keeping my head down and avoiding even looking in her direction, only looking at her when she was in conversation with someone. I don't even know why exactly I'm nervous, I mean the whole situation is intimidating. My eyes go up to get a peep at her but this time her eyes meet mine. She's posing for pictures with someone but in the midst of it she looked at me. I still have doubt, like she just looked randomly and I happen to be here. It's impossible for me to believe that her stare was intentional.

"You're so lucky." Casey, I've learned her name in this time of waiting, whispered to me. "What do you mean?" "Oh stop being humble. She seems to be interested in you. You guys just stared at each other and I've noticed her looking at you even when you were looking off to wherever." I reply with a little hmm and a blush arising onto my cheeks.

Next thing I know, it's Casey's turn. The last person before it's my turn. I watch her interaction with Billie and it makes me smile. It's so pure. Casey gave her a whole bunch of gifts, an array of bath and body works products and a fan book with pictures and little messages to Billie from a whole bunch of fans. Their pictures were even cuter.

Now it's my turn. Oh man. I'm so excited and so nervous at the same time.

Billie gave me a look. "Come here" she said in her little baby voice. That made my face heat up and I started shyly smiling. "Hey" Billie said with a smirk and reached out to grab my hands. "Hey." My voice came out so softly it almost seemed like I tried to whisper. "Don't be nervous. It's all good. What's your name cutie?"  "It's y/n." My awkward ass just keeps smiling and looking down. "Look at me cutie." That made the butterflies do more than flutter. They went insane. "Um I just want to say how much I really love your music. What you're doing is truly moving and I'm here to support you always." Billie's face softened so much as I looked into her eyes and explained in short how I feel about her. She goes to hug me and we hug for what's longer than a normal meet and great hug.

"Billie. Billie! We gotta wrap it up." Maggie exclaimed to Billie and also me but it's only appropriate she address her daughter.

"Ugh okay mom." The whole mom and daughter situation is so cute to me, it made me laugh just a bit. "I love that." Was she talking about my laugh? "Love what?" I questioned just to have clarity. "Your wittle laugh." God her funny baby voice, one of the best things to witness in person.

"Alright girls let's get this picture. 3. 2. 1. Oh a few more in portrait mode. 3. 2. 1. Okay that should do it." Maggie then hands back my phone and I say my goodbyes to her and Billie. As I'm about to be out I get pulled back. "Billie? What's wrong? Am I going the wrong way?" She laughed at my nervousness. "No cutie, uh where is your seat for the show?" "I'm at the first row of this section." I say as I show her on my phone where I'll be at during her show. "Let's move you to pit and I'll get my team to have you right in the front so I can see you." When I tell you my mouth must've been down to the floor. "Wha- are you serious? Why? Why me?" This seems like some fan fiction shit, like what is going on? "You intrigue me. I want to get to know you y/n and you seem so genuine, especially when you told me how much you support me. So yes?" "Yes. A thousand times yes."

"Get lower." Bullies voice goes a bit higher than normal when she tells the crowd to get low for copycat. I love it. Then the entire crowd gets insane when it's time to jump back up. I've never gone as hard and I will never go as hard for anyone other than Billie. Her shows be something else.

Okay bitches broken hearts is easily one of her hottest songs and the performance helps with that immensely. You know the moans. You know what I'm talking about. So when bbh starts my gay ass gets so excited. "You and I are suicide and stolen art" then the moan happened while she was staring down at me. I could've fainted right then and there but I had a concert to watch.

Goodbye was playing and Billie was now air hugging everyone, giving final smiles and glances. Next thing I knew it was over and I was devastated. I'll remember every second of this day. The crowd of people leaving was huge so this was going to take a while, as I was trying to leave the pit area, a security called me out. "Yes?" I asked scared and confused because I felt like I did something wrong. "Come with me." Everyone around me was staring because they're just as curious as I am as to what I did and what's going to happen. The security guard ends up walking me backstage. Oh. I have a feeling of what's going on, but it just seems too good to be true.

"Y/n!!" A voice all too familiar called out for me as I walked into what I assume is the green room. "Billie! What's going on? Why am I here?" As excited I am to see Billie again, there are some questions to be answered. "I um- well- I wanted to see you again. I can't let you go." Billie said it while playing with her rings and casually looking up to my eyes and down to her feet. "Wha- why? I don't understand, you barely know me." Still can't fathom at the fact that SHE wants me. SHE'S intrigued by me. SHE can't let me go. "I want to get to know you. When I told you earlier that there's something about you that I really like, I meant it. Please, let me have your number?" Her eyes were filled with such hope. She's being the big softy she claims that she's not, all smiley and what not. "How could I deny you that?"

"Well isn't that just adorable, you two" Finneas breaks our little moment of looking into each other's eyes. "Please shut up." Billie said as any annoyed sister would to her brother. "Let's go chill at my hotel room." She yanked my hand and led me out to the cars that would take us and the rest of the crew to the hotel. What even is this night? Like I said, I'm going to remember every second of this day.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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