Chapter 3:Lets hang out maybe?

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The next day,I sit next to kelly during lunch,and she talks to me!Say what now?Yup!she just talked to me!And she asks me what do I have for lunch.I answer"the classic old pb and jam!"She laughs,and tells me"You are funny,this is the first time I laughed in a year!"I look at her in a confused expression and ask her"Yesterday I heard you murmur something about your grandma.."And boom she kept quiet and held her hand tightly in her pocket!I asked her what had happened and she ignores me!sheesh kebab!I shouldn't have asked her,we were getting along so well!
While doing homework,I was thinking of how to solve this mystery and suddenly it hit my hand!I should do the old fashioned way!
SPY ON HER!Yup you heard it right,I'm going to spy on her.Well,wish me luck!
But wait!I need to wear some spy clothes,but I don't know what spy's wear?😢😢
I know!I am going to watch all spy kids movies.Bye!👋
The next day,I got it,I know what to wear!Some black clothes.But wait,that's what theives were!Round two of spy kids movies!Bye👋M

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