Chapter Twenty-One

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You were sure you were going to die. You saw your life flash through your eyes in that moment, and you thought out an apology to Eri and your brother, who you would never be able to keep your promises to. The feather came down, and you waited for it all to end.

Only for the end to never come. The feather was burned away by a blast of cerulean flame, nearly singeing your eyebrows off in the process. Bits of hair that had been in the way bad been burnt off, but thankfully none of it lit on fire.

Hawks took a stumbling step back, clutching at his hand- which had been severely burned. Dabi stood before him casually, hands in his pockets. You hadn't talked to the guy before, so you didn't completely understand why he had bothered to help you, but you were grateful anyways. The two men looked at each other, and Hawks turned back to you with a curse.

"This isn't over," he said, and then he was gone.

You stepped away from the wall, hand reaching up to touch your neck. Sure enough, when you pulled it back, there was blood coating your fingertips. You cursed; something vulgar and completely unladylike. You looked to your savior, wiping your hands off on your jeans. "Why did you help me?"

"Don't think too much into it," Dabi told you, already turning to walk away. "Boss man said we needed to make sure you didn't die. Been keeping an eye on you for a while."

Shigaraki had said that you needed to be kept alive? Why? This encounter was raising more and more questions by the minute. My hero, you thought bitterly. You were sick of not knowing what was going on in your own life. You were sick of the inconsistencies. Was anything ever going to make any fucking sense around here?

"Thanks," you told him. You owed him big time for this. You only hoped that you'd be able to find a way to repay the debt; saving a life was kind of a big deal.

He shrugged, and you decided to ask what was bothering you. "Why did he tell you to keep an eye on me?"

Dabi hummed, kicking a pebble on the ground. It skidded across the floor, coming a rest at the edge of the alleyway. "Why're you asking me?"

"Because you're the only one here right now," you told him, not having his bullshit. You wanted answers, not half assed responses. You knew that Dabi was a dick, but it would be nice if he refrained from acting like a complete asshole for five fucking seconds.

"Too bad," he told you, turning on his heel to leave. You cursed mentally at him and hoped that he tripped on his untied shoe laces.

"You can't just leave! I still have questions!" you protested, walking after him. You were determined to figure out what All for One wanted from you.

"Later," he said in response- and promptly left you in the alleyway. You followed him around the corner, only to see that he had disappeared. The streets were once again void of people. The only sign that he had been there in the first place was the faint smell of smoke in the wind.

"What a bitch," you grumbled to yourself after you were sure he was gone. You hated when people didn't give you direct answers. You liked knowing things. It was just the way that you were. It pissed you off to be this clueless about everything.

You walked the rest of the way home, unable to get the sight of Hawks out of your head. He had tried to kill you, you realized.  You had almost died. Again. Honestly, you were growing way too used to the near death experiences. Between Overhaul having to save you and now, you'd been through a lot. Instead of processing things, your brain just made you numb to it.

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