social media

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Social media a place we go to  distract ourselves talk to our loved one's and friends, post good moments of our life or to follow our idols those who inspire us the most keep up with their lifestyle and maybe learn from them
But there are those who use social media for different purpose which varies

As for me, I've learned a lot  about the different types of people around the world, how they think and react to certain situations with online conversations 
And mostly  matured a lot with my love  experience from
Social media as compered to real life.
Its not just a platform its a place where most people become who they want to be but in a virtual reality
It just depends on who is signing  in

Its not just a platform its a place where most people become who they want to be but in a virtual reality It just depends on who is signing  in

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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