13 .

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hey kids, been a while. how's life been treating you guys?


Jorge looked at himself uncertainly. Was the hair gel too much? Or too little? He shouldn't have gone with a tie, he looks like a fucking eighth grader going to their middle school dance. Take off the tie... no, it looks good.

Benji wouldn't care, I bet, he pouted and looked at his phone on the bathroom sink. The dude he was going on a date with— Charles— texted him for the sixth notification in a row, and he hadn't even changed his contact yet.

He probably spent half of the time getting ready convincing himself that it wasn't just for clout, but hey, he was going so he might as well enjoy it.


Jorge left the tie.

heY, kinda nervous abt the date but i'll keep you updatED


Before he got a response, Jorge turned off his phone and left his home readily. With a deep breath in and out, he said to himself,

"What's the worst that could happen?"


"Okay, okay, stop crying and tell me exactly what happened. Also, Charles? Really? You can do better than a Charles," Benji sipped a blue raspberry icy with his feet kicked up on his desk. Jorge was surrounded by tissues, blankets, and a giant ice cream spoon comedically sobbing on FaceTime.

"He was like a fucking- forty year old with a rat tail hanging off the back of his head greased over with some nasty old man cum hair tonic."

"And you left right then right?" Benji was painting his toe nails blue.

"Nope but I should've. No, no, no, I had to stay because I thought, 'Damn, it'd be awkward if he saw me and I just left'."

"Jesus Christ."

"So, I sat with him and you know what he does?"

"What does he do, Jorge."

"Benji Krol, I shit you not, he whips out a fucking POMERANIAN THAT HE NAMED— are you ready for this? POOKY. Do you want to hold it? He says, and I'm thinking this guy probably traffics skunk babies or some shit, but I take the thing anyway. And you know what it does?"

Benji tried to contain a grin, "What?"


And that was it for Benji, he snorted and burst into a fit of laughter at Jorges "date" that he was oh, so worried about. Jorge looked offended on the screen but soon giggled himself at the ridiculousness.

"I'm glad you find my pain funny," he grumbled to hide his smile. Benji nodded and wiped the tears from his eyes, "I do find it quite hilarious, yes, Whorehay."

"I hate you."

"I know."

There was another awkward silence as the laughter died down. Benji stared at his half painted toes in thought and Jorge looked at him similarly.

"Sooooo... did you figure out when you're coming here?"

Benji pursed his lips. "Not yet, but I'm hoping soon. Someone's gotta keep you away from those Pomeranian pimps, right?" Jorge laughed lightly. "How's it going with you?"

Jorge's gaze faltered to the bruises on his arms, "It's been alright I guess," he lied. "I can't wait to get out of here."

He meant it as a joke, but Benji wasn't stupid. "Jorge.."

"I said I'm okay, you don't have to worry about me."

"But I will," Benji said. "And I won't stop. You're my friend."

The other end of the screen lit up as a smile. There was a faint shout in the background that Benji couldn't make out, but it startled Jorge.

"I gotta go," he said hurriedly. "But... call me tonight?"

Benji was caught off guard but nodded. "Of course," he smiled carefully.

He waited for a call but it never came.


tysm for the support, i'll be updating over thanksgiving break for sure
i'm sorry it's so depressing but it's my first time writing something this angst lmao

luv u, please read my other fics!


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