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  I sat in the uncomfortable wooden school desk as I was jotting down the last of the notes into my math journal.

  "Okay, class. Does anyone have any questions before the class ends?" Mrs. Brooks, my math teacher, asked as she set her dry erase marker on her desk, looking around the classroom.

  A kid from the back raised his hand quickly. Mrs. Brook's head snapped in his direction and a wide smile spread across her face.

  "Yes, Joseph?" She asked with that stupid grin. Said kid, shifted in his seat before clearing his throat and speaking up.

  "U-um, I don't understand how y-you solved number e-eight." The kid asked with a slight stutter. Mrs. Brooks just grinned even wider.

  "That's okay, what part did you not understand?" She asked with a voice that sounded too sweet in my opinion. I watched as the kid's face grew red with embarrassment as everyone's eyes were on him.

  "U-um. None of it?" He asked with an unsure, stuttering voice. Mrs. Brook's mouth opened to reply but another kid blurted out before she could.

  "Bro! Number eight was easy! You have to be stupid to not know how to solve that problem." A girl with braces said.

  Joseph's face grew even more red as the rest of the glass began laughing and joining along, making little comments on how easy the problem was and how he was going to be the reason they would fail the classes's average grade.

  I honestly felt bad for the poor kid. He should've just kept his mouth shut like everyone else. Everyone knows that when the teacher asks if anyone has questions, you don't answer unless you want to make a fool out of yourself.

  I stayed quiet as I glanced at my wrist, checking the time.

  3:47. I had three more minutes until school was over. Might as well pack up now. I grabbed my notebooks and pencils and slid them into my backpack, shoving my textbook inside the little cubby underneath my seat.

I was grateful that today was a Friday, so when I got home I could go to sleep already. I am so fucking tired.

I hoisted my backpack up, and into my lap causing other people to see me packed up and follow suit. Soon enough, the class was filled with shuffling, papers getting folded/bawled up and zippers sliding back and forth. Mrs. Brooks stopped teaching abruptly and glared at us.

"Who said y'all could pack up?" She asked with her arms stiffly folded over her chest and her lips in a tight line. Some students turned to look at me. I rolled my eyes and raised my hand.

Mrs. Brooks rose an eyebrow at me. "Yes, Mr. Marshall?" She asked with an amused tone. I dropped my hand and spoke up with a bored tone. "The clock did. See, we only have a minute left and I just wanted to get out of this school as fast as I could." I replied.

I heard some snickers across the room and Mrs. Brooks just frowned at me.

"Next time, let me tell you when you can pack up. Not the clock." She scolded me. I nodded my head and sunk back into my seat.

Well maybe I would if you would actually pay attention to the damn time. I thought to myself bitterly. I already said too much and I didn't want another detention so I decided to keep my mouth shut.

"Anyways, your homework tonight is to read chapters eleven and twelve so on Monday you can write a two paged summary about the chapters." Mrs. Brooks announced and immediately there were groans heard around the room.

I didn't really care about the homework, I could always do it the class before. Mr. Wilson always had a sub who let us do what we wanted so I didn't worry.

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