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Why do people love me so much? I mean, I'm just an average girl, but my parents are rich, but my parents are horrible people, so how's that make me popular? I hate being like this. I want to be normal, but I'm popular because of my parents' money. I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders and a kiss planted on my neck, with a small nibble. "Baby, go to sleep." Daniel whispers in my ear. I hate this, I hate him. He acts like he loves me, but he doesn't. He's just using me. Doing horrible things to me, using me to better his appearance, and even worse, he hurts me. "Ok, Daniel" I respond, holding in the tears. He pulls me closer to him, and even though I don't want to, I bury my head in his neck. Daniel will know I'm faking all this if I don't show any affection... I wish I wasn't on this Earth, or anywhere.

I wake up to the rustle of Daniel picking his clothes off the floor. It's daylight now, that means school. I rub my eyes and look up at him. I admit, Daniel is hot, but his personality is horrid. "Get dressed and make breakfast I'm starving." Daniel says. I'm such a pushover. I let him walk all over me... Why do I do this? I put on a white collared shirt with a gray sweater vest, and a gray-and-black plaid skirt. I brush out my hair and put it up in a neat bun, my bangs looking flawless. I walk into the kitchen. Me and my sister, Gracie share this house, ever since I turned eighteen. My sister dealt with our mom and dad's crap for a year so when I turned eighteen, we could leave, and my parents couldn't stop us. Our parents used to verbally abuse us they are alcoholics. We blocked them on everything so they couldn't reach us again.

I plop some bacon on a skillet and some eggs in a pan. When they're done, Gracie walks out of her room, looking as great as she does every day. "Bacon? Eggs? For me~?" Gracie says, giving me puppy eyes.

"No... They're for Daniel and I... I could make you some if you want?" I respond.

"Don't," I hear Daniel say," She's nineteen, she can make her own."

"And so are you, so you can make your own!" Gracie sasses.

"Gracie, Daniel... Stop, please. I'll just give Gracie mine. I'll get some mini muffins from the vending machine..." I say, trying to stop the fighting.

"Fine, but you're using my money." Gracie offers.

"Thank you, Gracie." I say, feeling some relief.

Daniel grumbles while me and Gracie are talking. I plate the food and give it to them. "I'm going to head to school, I have a test to study for. It's worth sixty percent of my math grade."

"Don't leave me with HIM" Gracie snapped.

I plaster on a fake smile, "He's not so bad, why don't you get to know him?"

Gracie shoots me a glare while I run out the door with my bookbag and a dollar bill. I jump into my black Porsche and drive to school. While I'm driving, I review my math vocab in my head. When I arrive, I park in a painted parking space, one for me. It's painted with a tiara with a pink background. I step out onto it and head into the school. I take a deep breath of the familiar smell of the school. Oddly, it's comforting. I open up my locker and put my stuff away, glacing at the photos. Photos of my happy, with my friends, winning class president. I miss those days. Ever since I started dating Daniel, I've been sad, mad, and over-all pushover-y but only when I around him.

I grab my math book and head to the cafeteria to study. I open my book and turn to page four-hundred-forty. My stomach grumbles, as I realize that I haven't gotten breakfast yet. I walk over to the vending machine and look inside. Powdered doughnuts, rice-crispy treat, M&M's, Snickers... And confetti mini muffins. I buy the mini muffins and rip open the bag. "Aww crap... There's only three..." I pop one in my mouth and walk back to the table and start studying. A hand reaches over my shoulder and grabs one of my mini muffins. I whip my head around. "Kaaaaaarrrreeeeeeen!" I shout, "I only had three in thereeeee!" Karen, one of my two best friends. She plays basketball, because she's good at it, and 5'10.

"Too bad, I'm hungry." Karen teases, lifting the muffing closer to her mouth. I jup up from my chair and try to jump to get it. "Karreeennn! Gimme my muffin!!!"

"Fine, only because you're too cute when you beg..."


"Oh dang... Made me sound lesbian.... Pfffft! And you like a wuss!" Karen hands the muffin back and I stuff it in my mouth.

"Where's Rebecca? Shouldn't she be here already?"

"I am here..."

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Me and Karen scream in unison.

Rebecca... Short, shy, looks like a sixth grader... That's going to come in handy when she's forty. She's going to look like she's in her late twenties.

"Bejesus!" I yell, "Don't sneak up like that!"

"I didn't... I was here for like two minutes before you came in... I just came to this table." Rebecca retorts.

"Ok, ok! Let's stop talking! I need to study! The exam is today, and I can't fail!"

"But I'll tell you what you can do..." I hear a voice whisper in my ear. The voice I hear in the mornings, late nights, the one that has consumed my life, "Skip class and meet me in the band closet."

I turn around. "Daniel... We went over this; you may not care about your grades, but I do. So, stop implying the we should-" He silences me with a kiss. And then another... And then another... I pull away.

"I know you're trying to tempt me. I'm not going to."

"Me? How dare you!" Daniel teases, "How dare you accuse me of such a thing! I am innocent! Am I not allowed to kiss my beautiful girlfriend?"

Karen flicks him on the ear. "Not at school you can't, Dannyboy.".

"Respect the drip, Karen." Daniel retorts.

Karen turns around to me, "Why are you dating this bag of crap?"

"Uhm... Uh... Because I love him?"

Daniel grabs my chin between two of his fingers and lifts it up. Karen interferes with a karate chop hand.

"What'd I just say?!"

"You didn't have to do a fake karate chop!" Daniel retorts, angrily

"And YOU don't have to kiss Mel all the time!"

Point Karen. None for Daniel. The bell rings.

"Daniel, get to class. There's going to be a new student today. As the class prez, Mel has to show them around." Rebecca orders.

"What a wonderful secretary. Bye, Daniel. Cya at lunch!"

"Bye..." Daniel heads off to his class. I mean... He heads off to wherever he goes to pass time during the day.

"Becca, Karen, you should head to class too."

They both nod and head off. I start walking to the office, weaving my way through the crowds of people. I open the office door. Oh... My... Sweet baby Jesus!

What's behind the door? Is it her parents? Is it a new kid? Is it FOOD? 

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