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My horrible artwork of Brendon Urie that I did for art class.


It was a beautiful day so Brendon and I went out to the cafe for our daily doses of caffeine.

When we got there something felt off but I couldn't put my finger on it so I brushed it off. After getting our drinks we sat at a table, when I noticed flashing coming from outside. Then I realized that there was the paparazzi outside. Slowly I noticed my heart rate rising, Brendon noticed something was up but you didn't say anything like you usually did.

Brendon POV

I saw Y/N looking past my shoulder like something was out there but she kept looking around the cafe so I didn't think anything of it. Then I noticed her face turn to panic (! at the Disco...No I will leave) I saw her heart rate speed up but she didn't say anything about it like she usually does, so I looked behind my shoulder slightly and noticed the paparazzi.

Oh s**t I thought I slowly got up and took care of our cups and sat back down and tried to calm her down.


Brendon realised what was happening and imideatly got rid of our cups and talked to me trying to get my attention and eventually did, then he started to get me to breathe. Breathe in for 3 out for 6 and eventually I calmed down enough to go home.

**** Time skip *****

Once we got home we just sat on the couch and cuddled for the day doing nothing not even talking.

A/N I know this sucked and all of my stories are going be short I would like some help with ideas so comment them or message me.

Much Love,


Brendon Urie ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now