Please, No...

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*Author's Note* 

Hey sorry, I've been a bit busy with school. But here ya go!*

All I hear is Kody calling my name before my vision goes black.

*A Few Hours Earlier*

Should I go? What if I go and I get hurt? But if I don't go then someone else gets hurt...

I can't- "Sohpie! Dinner!" My mom. As I walk down stairs, I keep thinking about what I should do. 

*At the DInner Table*

"So, Sohpie, how's school?" My mother asks while picking up her knife. "Good. Same old same old." My brother, Kody, he never came down for dinner...

"Sohpie, bring this to Kody, will you?" "Sure mom!" I take the plate and knock on the door. "Kody, it's me. Can I come in?" I hear shuffling. "Sure!" I hear him shout back. 

"Mom said to come give you dinner..." I say as I hand him the plate. "Thanks." I look down and nod. As I go to leave, Kody stops me. "Sohpie?" He sounds concerned. "Yes?" I say, turning to him. "So, you left your phone in my car the other day and it went off." He pauses. "And when I looked at it, I saw it was an address." I stiffen. "Is someone bothering you?" He looks at me. I look down, trying not to let the tears spill. "Sohpie?" He gets up and wraps his arms around me. 

And that's when I lose it. 

I tell him everything. I told him about how I told Carly and she got hurt and I showed him the messages. But I stopped...

He's going to get hurt now... And it's all my fault. 

"I'm so sorry! You're going to get hurt like Carly!" I sob. "Don't worry about me. I'll make sure nothing happens to me." He hugs me tighter.

*At the abandoned wearhouse*

"So you're finally here." Says a mysterious voice. "And I see you told your brother about me and you brought him here." I panic. "Don't hurt him please!" I say, tears brimming my eyes. "Don't worry, he's not the one getting hurt."

All of a sudden I hear a gunshot and a sharp pain in my side. Then all I hear is Kody calling my name before my vision goes black.

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