Unexpected Fate: Chapter 1

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Hi Guys! This will be my first ever story written on Wattpad. Please respect my story by not  plagiarizing or taking it as your own. I hope you enjoy. I'm working really hard on it :) -B.


I ran as fast as I could, the cold wind hitting against my face painfully. I scrunched my eyes in determination as I ran through the streets, pushing past people in a rush.

"Sorry!" I yelled to whoever was yelling at me for pushing them.

I'll be honest, I wasn't really sorry. My focus was strictly on getting away from the security guard hot on my trail. I continued to push down the street with the stolen items in my hand.

I didn't usually steal things; I mean sure the occasional chips or candy, but nothing this big. In both my hands, I carried two big bags filled with medicine, groceries, and necessaries that my family and I needed. Times were rough and I had to do what I needed to help my family survive.

Coming around the corner, I smirked in cockiness. I got away from the unfit security guard. I knew it was a matter of time before the guy gave up on the chase. His wheezing breaths a clear sign he didn't do much running.

Paying too much attention to the security guard, I didn't notice the strong grip on my arm that halted my run. Fuck! I struggled against the hand on my arm. The security guard reached us. I glared at the hand on my arm before looking up at the asshole that stopped my getaway.

Oh my god.


"Imara! Please come here!" My mom called out to me.

I quickly ran down the hall from my room, my heart racing. My younger brother is 4 years old and sick with a disease that causes problems with his lungs and breathing. This started to affect other parts of his body. It caused him to have treatments so often that the hospital was basically his second home, our second home. So naturally, I thought of him first.

"What? What's wrong? Is Benny alright?" I asked frantically, colliding with the wall as I came through the door.


"Shhh, I just got him to go to sleep," My mom brought her fingers to her lips, giggling softly at my clumsiness.

"Ha ha." I fake laughed, taking my seat next to her and my brother who was peacefully asleep. I smiled; he looked so cute in his sleep.

"Did you hear from the Boutique yet?" My mom asked quietly. You could see the stress imprinted on her face.

"No," I answered, putting my head down.

I helped my mom out since it was just the three of us in our home. My dad died a few months after Benny was born which left my mom alone and in need of getting a job. She had two kids to support on her own.

My mom worked as a waitress in a local bar, which was enough to get by until Benson became ill. Most of her money went to rent, medical bills, and medicine needed to keep Benny alive. This caused me, the oldest at 19 years old, to get a job and help out around here.

I had a job at a restaurant, which brought in enough money to buy groceries, have Internet, and phones for my mom and I. Helping out made me feel good. Until, I lost the job. They raised minimum wage in Michigan, which caused the owner to let some people go. I was one of them.

I have been trying to find a new place to work but literally no one would call me back! That left my mom to focus on the medicine and nutrition for my brother. It didn't bother me that most of my mom's money went to him. I wanted my brother to be fine. Even if that meant my mom and I were surviving on bread and scraps she would sneak home from work.

My mom gently lifted my face and looked into my now teary eyes, "Its okay, sweetie. It'll work itself out. You know it always does. It's an obstacle that we have to figure out how to get through."

I saw in her dark brown eyes that calculating look. She was figuring out how we were going to make it. I didn't miss the flash of sadness either. How long was this 'obstacle' going to take? How long would we practically starve before this 'obstacle' would be even attemptable of going through?

I forced a small smile for my mom's sake and walked out of Benny's room, closing the door softly.

I had a plan that was brewing in my own mind. It wasn't the right way, but it was a way. I grabbed my backpack and stuffed two large plastic bags inside of it.

"It's time to go shopping," I spoke as I headed out the front door of our small home.


Okay, So this was my first chapter! I have some exciting ideas for this story! Please share, vote, and comment!!! I want to make this a fun reading experience for us all :) Oh, and follow for updates on this story!

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