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Darsh - so tell me where you live I'll drop you
Palak - one sec , what do you mean , you will drop me . You hit me with the jeep , I have scratches over my hands and my legs twisted . Take me to the hospital
Darsh - what , hospital , are you out of your mind . You just have small scratches on your hand , apply dettol on it , it will be fine . And about your twisted leg , it will be okay in an hour or two
Palak - I didn't knew you are a doctor ( darsh raise his brows at her ) ya like you know everything . May be I look fine from outside , but their can internal damages , you never know . And I don't have any kinda interest in dying so early . So take me to the hospital
Darsh sigh - fine
While he is driving the fm was on and it makes up an announcement , " the next song is the love ballad by none other than darshan raval " and song starts playing . Darsh off the radio , and his gaze is glued to the road . As palak hears it , she doesn't have courage to look at him . They reach up the hospital and doctor asks her to take complete bed rest for a week , but palak speaks up
Palak - doctor I don't have anyone here , how can take bed rest . Any other option
Doctor - no other option , here are your prescription
Darsh take her back to the jeep
Palak - I'm sorry
Darsh look at her - for what
Palak - I didn't knew that you are a singer . Actually I don't hear Hindi music , I just love the old melodies . So
Darsh - that's fine . So what you gonna do , you said there's no one to help you out
Palak - I guess I need to go back to Mumbai
Darsh - if you are from Mumbai , then why did you come here
Palak laugh a bit - I ran away , from myself and everyone
Darsh - don't you think your parents must be worried
Palak - nope , bcoz they know where I'm . And they know that I need this personal space of mine , so they won't bother
Darsh - wow , cool . Now tell me where you live , I'll drop you and get to my hotel
Palak - for how long are you here ?
Darsh - a week , why ?
Palak give a evil smile
Palak - you can help me out
She said with a wide grin on her face , and was looking at darshan for an answer
Darsh - what ? ( palak looked at him with pleading eyes ) no , like add a break to your thoughts , no , no , no
Palak - listen na , okay , tell me , why you here ?
Darsh - I needed a break , actually this sudden cut off's follow me
Palak excitedly - perfect
Darsh - what's so exciting in this
Palak - see we both wanted a break , and that's the reason we are here . We both don't know each other , so it's perfect . It's just instead of staying in an hotel you can stay with me on my farmhouse . We met , their must be a reason na , so
Darsh was showing that he didn't wanted to but deep inside he was happy , he wanted to scream in happiness but he could not show it
Darsh - you wanna live with a stranger
Palak - one sec , you aren't a stranger
Darsh - so you know me
Palak - ya , you are darshan raval
Darsh - that's it , you just know my name
Palak - I don't mind knowing you completely
Darshan's head snap to her words
Darsh - do you even think before speaking
Palak - actually , no . I just believe in living the life to the fullest . Forgetting the past and without thinking of the future , I have cherished my life in present moments . And we just have one life , so why to waste it thinking of what could have happened , what can happen or what would happen . For me life is about moments , gathered up as memory . And thinking isn't my hobby nor a habit
Darshan was just staring at her , he didn't hear what she said bcoz he was busy gawking at her . Palak look at him , and his intense gaze was making her insides weak . She thought that whether her decision of staying with him is right or wrong , she shrug off her thoughts and tap on his shoulder . Darsh get back to real world
Darsh - if you don't have any problem then I'm fine with it
Palak smile and she shows him the way to her farmhouse , as they reach darsh get down from the car
Darsh - oh my goodness , you sure right , it's your place
Palak - ya , let's get in now

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