Cast list/ About

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Hey guys! This is my first fic, so bare with me! I decided to put two of my favourite kids TV shows together and make a story yaaaay. This is mainly the H2o plots just with the Miraculous characters, personalities and ships.

The only thing that is a bit changed is that the Rikki character (Alya) does not date the Zane character (Kim). The reason I made Kim Zane is because I just didn't see Nino being mean like Kim can be sometimes. But Nino and Alya still get together don't worry.

Also there won't be a Kim (Cleo's little sister) because Marinette doesn't have a little sister and I am too lazy to make one.

Cast list:

Cleo: Marinette

Rikki: Alya

Emma: Chloe

Lewis: Adrien

Zane: Kim

Nate: Nathaniel

Miss Chatham: Master Fu (oop)

Rikki's love interest and Lewis's friend: Nino

Byron/Ash: Luka

Merium: Lila

Let me know if I missed out on anyone!


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