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marcboi this is rly just a deep ass emotional post bcs im feeling like it

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marcboi this is rly just a deep ass emotional post bcs im feeling like it

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marcboi got this pic of instagram - crop the sides off and yea. superm just ended their first day of their concert tour @ texas and this is also my first ever solo stage.

marcboi i was rly rly neRvous about it. i had thoughts like what if the fans dislike it? what if they didnt like my rap style & everything else?

marcboi which is why im so so so thankful for riri. even tho she comforted me via dms, assuring me that my fans will not walk away from me, and that she be the one staying and supporting me through. she also called me on my phone just before my stage, idk how she knew i was gna perform.

marcboi and it was like the wee morning hours for her but she stayed awake to talk to me to calm me down to rly just provide me with comfort

marcboi and boy everything fell into piece. she gave me so much strength for the stage and idt i will ever find anyone like her again - this supportive and amazing.

marcboi then jungkook txted me saying that i shld appreciate her more, love her more bcs he felt as if she's the one loving me more and i feel terrible

marcboi i love riri, i rly do but what he said is right. she loves me a lot and im so scared of hurting her. so scared i do sth wrong and i ended up just breaking her.

marcboi i wanna be her pillar, her strength, her other half, her partner in crime.

marcboi which is why im not going to be this hesitant, this afraid anymore. i'm going to show her how much i love her, how thankful i am towards her, how glad i am to have her as mine. slowly and surely.

marcboi im going to treat her like a princess, how she should be treated.

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