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Adeline's Pov

"Dutch you gotta sort Abigail and Micah out, they won't stop pickin' on Adeline," I hear Arthur say as I let Buell graze along with the other horses.
"Son what am I going to do about them? I can't really kick them out," Dutch replies.
"You can kick Micah out, he's a useless rat but Adeline's far stronger than Abigail," Arthur insists.
"Arthur I ain't kicking no one out," Dutch sighs before going back in to his tent.

Arthur mumbles something under his breath. I go up to him, wrapping my arms around his torso.
"What's this for?" Arthur asks, trying not to sound angry.
"I heard your conversation with Dutch. I'll be fine," I reply as Arthur returns the hug.
"If you say so," he sighs, planting a kiss on the top of my head.

"Good night Arthur," I whisper, bringing him down to kiss him on the cheek.
"Night Ade," (pronounced Adee) Arthur replies, going to his tent as I go to mine. I laid down on the bed after taking my boots and gun belt off, falling asleep almost straight away.


Waking up the next morning wasn't the most pleasant awakenings. Micah was shouting at Dutch about something that was probably about him acting innocent for something he had very obviously done. I couldn't care less at this point. Slipping my boots on and tightening my belt around my waist, I get up and do my daily walk around the camp. I'm still worried sick about Jack, but Abigail doesn't really care. That annoys me, a lot.

I leave her alone as to not cause anymore drama.
"There she is!" Sean's strong Irish accent is heard. I turn around and see him walking towards me, a huge smile on his face.
"Hello Sean," I smile, greeting him with a gentle punch in the shoulder as I usually do.

"So, what actually happened at that Braitchwaite's place?" Sean asks, leaning on the table by my bed.
"Well, we managed to kill pretty much all of that Braithwaite woman's inbred sons when we got there. Had to search the whole house for her 'til I found her in one of the closets. She refused to listen to Dutch but she gladly listened to me. Threatening to slit her throat made her talk. Said Jack had been sent off to some Angelo Bronte down in Saint Denis," I explain as Sean listened to every word. He didn't go on trip since he was too busy sleeping.

"Wow, sounds like a han'full," Sean chuckles, scratching his head.
"Yeah, Dutch pretty much let me take the lead. It was... an adventure to say the least," I laugh softly, pushing some of my hair behind my ear. Me and Sean carry on to have a long conversation on many different topics for about an hour. When he walks away, I sigh happily. Sean is like the brother I never had. Well, lost. My older brother was murdered over a few bucks. I still miss him to this day. His name was Owen Caldwell. He taught me everything I know, from hunting, to shooting a gun and to master the art of throwing knives. He even taught me how to read and write.

As I get up, I see Arthur walking over to me.
"Mornin' Adeline," he greets, throwing his arm over my shoulders and pulling me in to his side.
"Mornin'" I reply, smiling.
"They're so adorable," Mary-Beth says to some of the other women.
"I wish I had something like that," Tilly smiles as me and Arthur look over at them.
"She's a bitch, I don't know why you admire her so much," Abigail grumbles to them. Arthur holds me closer to him instinctively.

"Oh Abigail stop being such a hard-ass," Karen hits her shoulder lightly.
"I ain't no hard ass, it's the truth," Abigail shrugs. My fists clench tightly, my knuckles turning white.

Before I do anything, Arthur grabs my hand.
"Arthur, Adeline!" Dutch shouts from his tent. We both look behind us and Dutch motions for us to go to him. Arthur gives me a look before we go over to him.
"I have a plan," Dutch smiles, sitting down on his bed.
"We finally goin' to Tahiti?" Arthur asks jokingly. Dutch rolls his eyes playfully but continues.
"No, about Jack," Dutch says, putting his hands on his knees.

"We," he motions to himself, Arthur and me, "are gonna go in to Saint Denis and ask around for this Bronte, then go to where ever he is and get Jack. We kill anyone in our way, discreetly though," Dutch explains, using his hands to act out what he's saying.

Sounds good," Arthur agrees and I nod.
"Also, I think Adeline should take the lead on this one, I wanna see what she's capable of," Dutch smiles, patting me on the shoulder gently.
"Thanks Dutch," I say, pushing some of my hair behind my ear.
"Don't thank me, now let's go," Dutch says as we leave his tent and mount up.

We begin our ride to Saint Denis, which is a reasonably long way. Once we're there, I start off at the saloon, Arthur at the general store and Dutch at the small marketing place near the trapper. I walk in to the saloon, leaning against the bar. I throw down a quarter for a whiskey and another one for the bartender.
"D'you know of an Angelo Bronte around these parts?" I ask as the bartender takes the money and hands me a shot.

"I do know of him. Who's askin'?" the bartender asks suspiciously.
"I'm askin'" I say impatiently as I swig the whiskey. "Have any idea where he is?" I add, putting the small glass back down on the bar.
"Not a clue," he says. I sigh, turning on my heel to walk out. A stranger lunges at me, holding on to my shoulder.
"You lookin' for Bronte?" the man asks, somewhat scared.
"I am," I reply.
"West side of the city, there's a street packed with the rich bastards. Bronte's in the biggest house bang smack in the middle," the man explains, letting go of my shoulder.
"Thank you, have a good day," I tip my hat at him and go to exit the saloon.
"Just be careful!" he shouts after me.

I turn back to him and nod before opening the doors. I walk out and turn to face the doors as I shut them. Suddenly, two guns are cocked and get pointed at my head. A deep, gruff voice comes from my right.
"Stick 'em up, cowgirl."

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