Chapter Two

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The vampires; Ivy in the top left, Raven in the top right, Leo in the lower right, Richard in the bottom left, and Caesar in the center.


Today has been one of the best first days I've ever had. So far, my classmates were intelligent and easygoing, so I've had a pretty fun day. I've made a few friends, even though I normally don't care to, and the work was't too overwhelming... yet. Mystic Forest, aside from having such a weird name, implemented a block schedule. This meant that I had seven classes, but only attended four a day (this included homeroom, which was everyday). Today, my classes were Physics, Business (my homeroom), European History, and Leadership. Tomorrow, I'd go to Advanced Calculus, Business, English 11, and Gym.

Right now, I was sitting in Euro, my third class of the day. Lunch was in ten minutes, but I didn't even care. Instead of my usual lunch countdown, I was laughing with the class at Mr. McDonald's goofy teaching style. He was currently "demonstrating" the French Revolution, laying across his desk and begging the commoners not to behead him. The commoners, that'd be us, would have none of it.

"I'll lower the taxes! I swear on my Aunt's crown!" he promised, even faking a surprisingly realistic French accent.

"No! We've had enough of your ways!" A classmate declared.

"You shall suppress us no longer" another followed.

"Off with his head!" another cheered.

"Guillotine! Guillotine! Guillotine!" the class chanted until he pretended to behead himself. He laughed as the class cheered, the ringing bell barely heard over our excitement. He sat on his desk while we started packing up, wishing us all a good day.

I slung my backpack onto my shoulder, following the class out as he called me, "Briella!"

"Yes sir?" I questioned, stopping and turning to face him.

"I wanted to ask how you were liking your first day. Are you enjoying yourself?" he asked. I knew he wasn't being inappropriate. He had a family that he loved and, while he was attractive, he didn't make me feel uncomfortable.

"Yes sir. I really like it here," I told him with a smile. "My only worry is how far behind I'm gonna be, what with transferring in November."

Mr. McDonald laughed, shaking his head, "Don't worry about that. Your teachers are gonna catch you up, and you've got nothing to worry about in my class. We just finished a project, but you're gonna get something similar so that you have a major grade in here."

"Well thank you!" I grinned, excited to work now.

"No problem," he laughed, "You can go to lunch now, I just wanted to know how your day was going."

"Have a nice day, Mr. McDonald!" I called as I started to leave.

"You too, Miss Thomas," he responded, sitting in his chair and looking at some papers.

I turned around and came face-to-chest with a black tee shirt. Blinking in surprise, I stepped back and looked up into the gorgeous silver eyes of a stranger. His face was pale, but didn't seem sickly, with almost perfect features. His hair was as dark as night, and looked incredibly thick and lush. His full pink lips quirked up in one corner and I gasped at the perverted thoughts that invaded my mind. Shaking my head, I looked down as I tried to rearrange my indecent thoughts.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going," I mumbled, sidestepping this beautiful stranger and guiltily thinking of Noah. I loved him, I needed to respect him and stay faithful. With that in mind, I hurriedly walked away. Or at least tried to.

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