Chapter 4.11 Veronica Schwarzi
Days passed by quickly and Veronica could feel like she had become a full time mommy to the Zombie King, she take care of him, feed him and most of all clean up his mess for him. Just like today, she was once again cleaning up after him after he made a mess of things.
"Yang, can you stop your hobby of blowing buildings after buildings up every time you sulk? Don't play with fire if you don't want me to get angry at you." Veronica scolded.
The Zombie King or now known as Yang was sulking at a corner as he got scolded by Veronica, his eyes were teary as he listened to her scolding.
"And also, how many times do I have to tell you to retract your talons and your fangs. It easily get's out when you sulk around, you better practice diligently or else it might just slip one day and injure me." Veronica sighed as she looked at Yang who looked on more like an abused child than a Zombie King.
She could not help but sigh again as she sat beside him and brought him into her embrace while avoiding his fangs and talons that he had unconsciously retracted when she came close to him, it was like a second nature to him to unconsciously put away his dangerous talons and fangs whenever she is beside him, it was like it was deeply imprinted in his subconscious to protect her.
"Mama, is little Yang a bad boy?" Yang looked at Veronica with tears in on his eyes as she looked at her, he looked really repentant but she knew that he was such a mischievous brat that does anything he wanted.
He asked forgiveness in this second but then when she turned her back he will be out there once again exploding buildings and commanding his army of Mutants to "play" with him that sometimes she does not even know what to do, she was really taken aback when she saw such a mischievous side of her Hubby but this did not decrease her love for him. It's just a mischievous side, she herself also have those sides and she is even more mischievous than her Hubby but looking at him now she does not know if who is more mischievous between the two of them, him or her?
All in all, no matter what happens she will still love him no matter what because no matter what side her Hubby is showing her or even no matter who or what he is she will accept him because he is her husband and she is his wife.
"No, Yang is not a bad boy. Yang is a good boy for "mama", it's just that I don't want you destroying those buildings or those cities around. I already told you about my friends around the area right? What would I do if my friends base would get destroyed because of your "sulking"? What would happen if they got harmed?" Veronica looked at Yang in the eyes as she said her next sentence. "Yang, I know that you are curious about your abilities but please do not use it to harm others. There are times when you need to use them but there are also a time that you should restrict it, destroying a world is easy but creating one is difficult. This world is already on its last leg and if this world get's destroyed where will we live? That is why don't use your power to destroy anymore, why don't you use your power to create instead? Power comes with great responsibilities."
"Then, I will follow what mama said. I will no longer use my power to destroy the world and instead use it to create a better world." Yang smiled as he finally understood why his "mama" always gets mad at him when he destroys cities, now he will follow what his "mama" said and would no longer destroy but create.
"That's my Yang!" Veronica ruffled his snow white locks as she kisses his cheeks lovingly.
Yang on the other hand, seeing his "mama" so happy about him could not help but also kiss her on the lips. Veronica was taken aback but just smiled at him tenderly as she respond to his kisses.
'He could not even remember me and keep on calling me "mama" but he still hadn't lost his touch.'
Veronica taught the Zombie King to create than destroy the world not because of her own "good beliefs" but because she saw a bunch of "good" people that deserves to live in this already ruined and mess up world.

Make Way! The World Hopper is Here!: Love Of A Millennium (Only You)
Romance[UNDER EDITING WHILE UPDATING] BOOK 1 This is a love story that started over a bet millions of years ago. A bet that decided two people's fate.... A bet of heartache and forgiveness..... A bet of love and chance..... ???????: Damn you! I'll be sure...