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Her boyfriend just broke up with her she felt misused and unwanted she started walking it felt like an everlasting walk mindless she felt herself come to an abrupt stop stop she had the strange feeling that someone or something was following her. In the dark alone and afraid, a hand which seemed unwilling grabbed her and covered her mouth, that was the last thing she remembered. She found herself in a dark room wearing strange clothes "where am I?" "who brought me here?" She wandered away in thought. She heard strange voices around her but couldn't see who they were, she felt blinded and confused "why me?" She asked aloud, but the voices were no more. She kept asking herself "what next?" , but nothing seemed to happen, she tried to move but she was tightly bound by chains. Suddenly, there was a light, slowly coming towards her then a voice said "are you OK?" I wondered who it was then the voice said "it's me, Jake. Jake...now she knows why he broke up with her, he was trying to protect her "I broke up with you because my boss said if I didn't they would come after you, I didn't tell them yet so that's why you're here, I was the one who brought you here but I've come to set you free". Then suddenly a frightening voice said "traitor!!" Then she heard a loud thump on the floor, dead, Jake fell flat on the floor lifeless, she felt tears running slowly down her face she felt her heart racing suddenly the room became darker than it was before and her thoughts fled from her mind "she blacked out" She woke up under an apple tree with a book over her face discovering that she as only dreaming.

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