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....... Leading her predator through the ruins,they all followed the little girl they viewed as a threat outside.

Moving through the rubbles and ruins, Harumi ran inside the dark,isolated and silent alley where she could get enough cover for herself.

And beside her was a huge long but light bazooka with ammo and bullets scattered on the floor.

Taking her time careful she snipped at them from her hidden position with the bazooka which gave off an explosive sound accompanied by a great puff of smoke and she took down a great number of them, all alone the brave,young but deadly soldier kept fighting them off.

As she kept on firing for the next few minutes her predators kept increasing in number and more ammo was wasted,suddenly the bazooka and her gun all went off she ran out of ammo

"Blast it!!!***" she said angrily, dropping the gun she pulled out her bucther's knife that she has always kept strapped to her waist all the time, her hunters were closing in on her and in a flash,the first attack came from her,running from one terminator to the other and slashing anything she met on the way and luring them away from the building she has always considered her base, she made a cartwheel and finally a tumble in the air and made a final landing on the back of her predator.

In anger, Harumi slashed her knife through it's metalic back and in savagery, she tore at the wires and all the connecting devices.


she said in rage and pure anger before the robot managed to throw her off but in return, it died down immediately while Harumi fell to the dirty ground with a thud.

It really sent a vibration through her head to other parts of her body,the pain was extreme and a groan escaped her lips while she grasped for breath.

Harumi had to fight but help was needed,slowly she tried to open her eyes but unfortunately,the terminators already got her,forming a circle around the savage soldier they were ready to terminate her.

She dragged herself up and looked up to the towering heights that surrounded her.

Although, Harumi knew help was far behind she wasn't the one to give up also she knows that if she tries to attack them,others will gun her down.

In dismay, she sighted before the hovering sound of an aircraft filled the atmosphere, looking up to the amazement, the huge aircraft containing soldiers in a strange gear started shooting down at the red eyed assailants.

Being the wise type,Harumi ran for cover, and the aircraft which was accompained by a twin of its kind commensed the attack.

Harumi looked up and strained her eyes to see what was written on the aircraft boldly which was


She looked down at the soldiers and they all looked strange in their robotic gear almost as tall as the terminators and had a large mechanical gun and ammo surrounding it with the inscription


tagged on it. Within a few minutes they opened fire and took down all of the terminators out.

Harumi saw this as a way to escape and as she ran out of her cover, making her way to the base as quick as possible,instantly she felt a quick,precise and sharp pain on her back and at once her legs gave way and she fell.

She was shot,not with a gun or any other thing that could harm her but with a sleeping dart,which made her drift into a quick,unwanted sleep.

A soldier in gear moved near the body to touch it but a voice came from behind him.


the voice came which seems like a rhetoric order.

The voice belongs to a young lady, but she wasn't as young as harumi.

She wore a short red skirt and a top with a black leather,her sliky hair covered part of her face as the air blew it and her purple eyes showed her beautiful face.

Slowly,her heels hindered her progress of walking fast as she went towards the body.

Carefully,she bent down to examine the sleeping girl and held her hands tightly. She loved this girl even if she has never met her before, with a questioning look,she demanded an explanation for what happened.

"Who shot the dart?"

There was an absolute silence and no answer

"Don't you know you could have hurt her"

she said gently stroking harumi's hair.

"kame,come over here and carry her inside the aircraft we have to move,guys pack up we are done here"

she ordered and Harumi was carried gently,the strange lady followed and the others entered the aircraft.

Slowly the hovering sound started again and the huge aircraft along with it's twin took off from the place of ruins into the blue,limitless sky and followed the route to the new world that lies far away from the chaotic one below.

**********Another chapter out, what do you think about this story so far**********

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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