Chapter 1

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"Sky sweetie, as your roommate, best friend, and emergency contact I have to tell you that you have a problem. This hate boner, for lack of a better word, you have for Jet is getting in the way of my relationship with Jack!" Lu Lu said, "I have no idea what you are talking about my dear Lu Lu." I said as I played with (y/n) on the floor. Jack Gray, the younger brother of Jet, my ex-husband. Honestly, I didn't have a problem with Jack other than his older brother, I just didn't want anyone other than myself to be with my Lucy plain and simple. "Mama's being unfair to auntie Lucy's boyfriend. Don't you think (y/n)." Lucy said in her baby voice as she picked up (y/n), "I'm gonna take him on a wittle walkie." Lucy said still doing the baby voice.

Lucy POV

"Hey, Lucy!" Jack said as he ran over to us.

"What's with the baby? Are you babysitting or something?" He asked, "No this is (y/n) he's Sky's baby

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"What's with the baby? Are you babysitting or something?" He asked, "No this is (y/n) he's Sky's baby. He's also our nephew." I said, "Well why isn't he with Sky?" He asked, "Cause he's my nephew and, I hope that it never comes to this but, if something were to ever happen to Sky he'd be my son. So I like spending as much time with him as possible." I said, "Alright well wanna get going?" He asked, "You're taking this surprisingly well." I said, "Well I knew Jet had a kid, but I never got to visit. So when you told me he's Sky's kid I accepted it without hesitation." He said, "Alright well let's go." I said.


I decided to follow Lucy, did this make me look like a bit of a stalker...a little bit, yeah, BUT I was keeping an eye on my family so it ok. Right? "My Lu Lu." I said as I crushed a lampost with my bare hand as I watched Lucy pushing (y/n) along in his stroller while Jack walked alongside them.

I followed them for about twenty-five minutes before it started raining, "We should get inside so we can get out of this rain!" Lucy said as she tried to cover (y/n), "I don't care where we go as long as it's dry and we can get something to eat." She said as it began to pour. They went into the first building they came across that was open.

Lucy POV

"We could've gone anywhere, but we went into a strip club.  We didn't just go into a strip-club, we went into a strip club with a baby!" I said semi-angrily, "Well I mean it's not like he's gonna remember any of this, plus he sees Sky's all the time anyway." Jack said, "That's not the point! We're leaving!" I said.


"Um Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Y...You're scaring the other guests." A police officer said nervously, "My Lucy!" I said, "Um M...Ma'am." He said, "Oh, sorry did you need something?" I asked, "Y...You're going to have to leave. The other guests are complaining." He said as he gave me a ticket, "WHAT!" I said. I argued with the cop for just long enough for Lucy, Jack, and (y/n) to leave without me noticing.

"Alright now to go spy on Lucy!" I said as I ran into the building I saw them enter before not realizing it was a strip club.

Lucy POV

"Ah, this is much better. And it's appropriate for a baby." I said, "Yeah it's great." Jack said sarcastically, "You wanna go back don't you." I said, "A little yeah." He said, "Alright then go." I said.


"Sky sweetie we're home." Lucy said, "Did you two have fun?" I asked I was genuinely curious since I lost track of her. "Uh yeah, yeah it was great. We um, we have another umbrella now. I um, I had to buy a new one since I left mine here." She said, "Lu Lu what happened?" I asked, "Jack and I...we um, we broke up. I guess you were right about him since he would rather look at other girls than spend time with me and his nephew." She said as she began to tear up, "Oh come here, sweetie." I said as I hugged her after I picked up (y/n), "See this sweetie, this is Auntie Lucy's first broken heart in a very long time." I said as I kissed the top of his head as well as Lucy's while she cried on my shoulder, "You know what, the only guy I need in my life right now is this little guy." Lucy said as she kissed (y/n)'s forehead.

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