I Think.

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       I woke up to the sound of cracking thunder. I knew I shouldn't have stayed out last night, but it felt liberating. I picked myself up out of the muck, trying to wipe it off my hands and onto my jeans. My father had told me it was dangerous to go alone, that I should at least bring someone else, but it was so thrilling to watch them on my own, to make my own perceptions. It's not the first time I've done this either, watching and preying. Though it has never quite ended like this, me waking alone in the mud and with the rain from the storm beating my back. I can only recall the end of the night, before I ended up here. I think... I got caught. I know I was at a bar last night, that's the best place to observe them, them being intoxicated makes things far simpler. It was someone I'd seen before I think. I finally notice a pounding in my head as well as a bump on the back of it. Someone had knocked me out. There were pieces missing that I knew if I stayed where I was to remember them, I likely would be discovered. It was time to go home, I think.
The way home was never obvious, I could only ever sniff it out to find my way, the stench of old corpses never failed to waft past my nose. We didn't have a pathway to our home, for fear of being found that much easier. It was like a compass, that smell, and so we all agreed that it was the best way to direct us home. My father stayed home the most out of all of us, with thirteen people living together he felt it was best for him to watch over everyone from one place. I think he's just scared. His sister, my aunt, was murdered years ago when she went to replenish her thirst one night. My dad had told me that she got too familiar with the people at the pub she liked. They found out about what she was and apparently weren't happy about it. Actually, that's the reason she's dead now. He's even more frightened now that I'm looking for my first target. He couldn't help but to complain.

"Mona! Do you realize the sun is almost up?! If it weren't for that storm you would be dead!" he scolds.

"I know! I'm sorry. Something had me caught up, I didn't mean to be late." I tried to reason.

He didn't much like that, " What do you mean something had you caught up? I let you go out on your own and you let something happen? I told you to be careful, Mona! What did you do?".

"I swear it isn't anything bad! I just went into the woods is all! Nothing bad I just got lost but I'm fine!". He sighed at me frustratedly and I was really hoping he would just drop it. I had to be able to do things on my own now. He had to stop babying me.

"Fine... How was your hunt then? See anything you like out there?" His tone is much calmer.

"I haven't picked anything out just yet... but I did see something intriguing last night so I'll be going back out." I don't wait for my father's reply before I sprint up the stairs into my own quarters. I had to get to sleep since the sun is nearly all the way up now, I'll need my rest if I'm going back out tomorrow. I think I may have found what I've been looking for.
    That evening I spent forever deciding what to wear, how to go about my plan of action. That human would never know what bit him and I would make sure of that. I'd have to mention to dear ol' dad that I would be bringing something home so I wouldn't disturb the rest of the house. I had to be ready for this. My first target had to be a good one seeing as I had a reputation to uphold.  I had to make my way to the bar now or I would never catch him, I'd be too late getting there. It was a long trek from home. Keeping a good pace I noticed the scent of home getting weaker and the smell of human society getting closer. I could see the bar clearly now and I inched closer until I reached the entrance. Entering that club almost always had me out of sorts, the scent of alcohol, lust and sweaty bodies was always disorienting for me. I waded through the people and sat at the bar; I could see everything so much better from there. I could see him now. I knew it would've been him who knocked me out and left me there. I could tell just from the way he looked at me from across the bar; all too shocked to see me. He would be the first, the first of many to come.
I almost couldn't wait to reach him. He wouldn't be hard to bring to his knees with the way he looked at me now. I think I'm ready for this, I had better be anyhow, he was coming this way and there was no stopping me from loving the adrenaline. He sat at the bar beside me, his intentions far too obvious.

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